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Full Version: Need Help Figuring Out What's Wrong...
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well guys, coming home tonight the foci really pissed me off which is why i'm writing lol...well, i'm sitting there at a light, and everything is normal, then all of a sudden the lights go really dim, car looses all power (try to move forward and nothing, till i really mash on the gas pedal), then everything comes back to normal, and does it again when i'm stopped at the next light. Please tell me someone can figure out what the He|| is wrong with it :(...i really don't like the idea of it breaking down on me, at least not in this weather...
I'm going through that right now.

It sounds like your alternator may be going.

My car dims and whines like a blown hemi right now,

I'm just waiting for it to blow up. It's a 600 dollar fix! :yikes:

*im drunk*
SAME EXACT problem I had, it turned out to be the AC Compressor Surging, they replaced it under warranty
How would that be an issue in -3 weather????

Hey Paolo...long tome no post man!

good to see you!
Your compressor runs when you have the defog on.
it's your trunk. switch to a hatchback. ask nos. all better now
Wife's car had the same problem, and it actually stalled couple of times on her. I just took the TPS out, cleaned it and we havent had any problems with it yet.

TPS, was out of wack and I just cleaned it with some electronic cleaner and it was back to normal.
I'm gonna go with either alternator or TPS. I've never experienced the latter, but I have dealt with the alt. in the same fashion on a different car.

Shoot me a PM with your number, dude. I can always stop by and lend a hand if you want. :)