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This is a first here (and a rarity I promise) ... but as some of you may know my 10-year old daughter Vanessa recently competed in a major Tae Kwon Do tournament in Erie PA ... and well, although I'm normally pretty cool about this stuff, I felt like sharing the results as a way of paying tribute to her success.

Amongst female purple belts 9 to 12 years old, she placed 1st in Form, 3rd in board breaking ... and, against older and bigger girls, she won the first-place Gold medal in sparring ... going totally unbeaten throughout the tournament.

The pic is on the first place podium accepting her Gold Medal in sparring ... the video is her first-place performance in form.

Thanks for your patience.

[Image: Vanessa_Erie_2009_1st_sparring.jpg]
Please remind me never to say anything that would upset her at a MM meet. I enjoy my testicles where thy are. Oh congrats on raising such a good little fighter. It will help keep the boys at bay once she enters High School.
Congrats! That's a great accomplishment! Now if only I had the patience to get into an extracurricular activity for my health... lol.
I loved that strong kyay (japanese term , no sure how they call it in Korean ) at the end of the performance . Great stuff , send her my congratulations .
congrats! Your pride is well justified.

I was in a tournament years ago (some other past it seems), and was undefeated in the sparring along with my older brother -- until we had to spar each other.

He took 2 fouls by kicking me in the nuts twice -- which was more than enough to take the fight out of me for the remainder of the day... I lost to him, and the next match for bronze...
congrats hopefully she doesn't use you as a punching bag when shes older.