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Full Version: Ebrake Indicator Lighting Dim When It Should Be Of
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Ok, its not on my focus but on my wife's escape. For some reason the brake indicator is lighting dim when it should be off. It just recently happened.
Does it mean anything?

note to my wife: if you read this before I tell you, I didn't brake your car it just happened. I got bad luck! LOL!

When that happened on my 1990 T bird, it meant the ABS puter was kyboshed and a trip to the dealer. $800 later.............
Yeah , seems dim lights indicate some decent problems man , i mean when i was doing some wiring , polarity or something was messed up and the car responded by dimming my signal lights, when i fixed wires and plugged things in properly the dim lights went away... so yeah...i know it doesnt help much .. but thats my lousy 2 cents worth
when my Mom's old mustang did that it was a sign the brakes need to be redone along with the e-brake cable.
Check the brake fluid...this light is also for indicating low fluid level...