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So has anyone ever had they're head warped or head gaskets go?
what is a true tell sign of this problem?
focuzedn2o,Sep 13 2006, 01:05 PM Wrote:So has anyone ever had they're head warped or head gaskets go?
what is a true tell sign of this problem?
Oil in the coolant (oil-coolant leak when engne is cold) , coolant in the oil (coolant-oil leak when engine is hot), hot gas buildup in the coolant and overheating (cylinder to coolant leak), cylinder pressure bleeddown on a compression test (cylinder to cylinder leak), visible leaks.

You need to do a compression test and coolant system test to pinpoint the problem.
yup. SOunds like warpage or a crack in the head or the block.

Might be best to take that head off and have it visually inspected by an engine machinist.
Cracked thermostat housing is another common cause of coolant leakage. Definitely cheaper than warped head or head gasket leak.
Let's hope that's all it is!
oh man...that can't be good.

Check the thermostat first.
k, ive checked for leaks . there are non anywhere. I can smell it burning every once and awhile.i did just have my block heater plug blow and i replaced it.
when my thermostat housing broke coolent was gone in 10 or so minutes....i had to add up water to make it home
im filling the over flow twice a day
im 80% its thermostat housing

does your temp gage go up?
nope , doesnt move at all.stays dead middle
when the engine is cold it seems like there is very low compression unlessi get therpm's up high. when i leave for work every morning it sounds like the engine is gonna chug the car to pieces. it shakes the whole car and when you slowdown it sounds and feels like the bottom end of the motor is gonna fallout to the ground. you can even feel it in the floor panels.
My cavalier did ths. I will put dollars to donuts that it's your head gasket. (inside where you can't see) Put your had over you tail pipe after it is running for 20-30 minutes, if you smell a strawberry smell it's you head gasket. Anti freeze in you cylinders which = not good!!!!
PIGEON1,Sep 13 2006, 03:13 PM Wrote:My cavalier did ths. I will put dollars to donuts that it's your head gasket. (inside where you can't see) Put your had over you tail pipe after it is running for 20-30 minutes, if you smell a strawberry smell it's you head gasket. Anti freeze in you cylinders which = not good!!!!
hey bro hows it goin?
how was ur trip?
so how much do u think its gonna cost me?
and man do u still want those headlights?
Cracked Thermostat housing, this happenned to me... EXACTLY.

Coolant reservoir kept going empty, worked out to be the cracked thermostat housing, nice $$$$ bill from Ford on that one.... sucked ass!
S2,Sep 13 2006, 03:51 PM Wrote:Cracked Thermostat housing, this happenned to me... EXACTLY.

Coolant reservoir kept going empty, worked out to be the cracked thermostat housing, nice $$$$ bill from Ford on that one.... sucked ass!
what was the damage? (approx)
I can check, it wasn't to bad but I thought it was for the 'small' part it actually was......

I am going to guess at around $225 at the dealership but I believe, that was my 'cost'....... as I get staff pricing, although that may mean nothing.

I think I was told that the part was around $175.....

Of course, after spending almost $2000 in repairs/maintenance on my focus in the 3-4 weeks before the 'housing cracked', it makes sense why I sold the focus ASAFP afterwards, especially after being told of about another $1500 in repairs........

BTW, it was a 2001 model if that matters...........
thanks man, that does help me out alot. can you tell me what happened from the first incident to when you found out what was actually wrong.i just wanna compare if its similar to my problems

Yeah for sure......

Basically my car was 'squeaking' again, similar in sound to a seized up belt tensioner (also very common on the focus) during startup. Took the car in, tensioner was fine, still squeaking. Basically they gave me the, we didn't hear it crap.

Oh I should make mention, the 'squeak' was only after the car had sat for 8 hours or so, definitely a COLD START.

Anyway, got an oil change, coolant tank completely EMPTY, WTF? Topped it up at the oil change and visually marked the level. Drove for a week or so, same BS squeak happenning.....

Coolant went down about an inch, took it back to the dealership, did a 'dye' thing or something, maybe, had a ton of work done to the car in 4-5 weeks (like $2000 in maintenance, repairs, etc). Anyway, they said the squeak had to do with the thermostat and they noticed the housing was cracked which they told me was a very 'common' problem on the focus. They also told me that FORD is pretty notorious for 'missing coolant' or 'disappearing coolant'.... this came from the foremans mouth, who is very reputable when it comes to cars.

Anyway, replaced the housing, no more squeak, no more 'disappearing coolant'...........
i just noticed that my water pump had a thin line of coolant straying away from it. could this be my prob?
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