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Full Version: Help: Buying Used Xcal2
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hey guys

im thinking about buying a used xcal2, i just want to know what i have to do for it work on my car? If the engine codes match do i have to do anything or is it just plug and play? I dont know much about how these work so any info is great.

thanks guys

Be very careful, especially if this is an Ebay sale, you can read my rant regarding my bad experience about this HERE, same thing applies to Xcal2's. You must make sure the former owner has flashed their factory Ford program back onto the car. If they haven't and they send it to you, it either has to go back to the original owner to be done or it has to go to SCT head office in Florida to have the memory wiped clean (unlocked), and it will cost you $150 USD to be unlocked. If the seller does their part and puts their car back to stock any SCT dealer can unlock it or you can even download a program to unlock it yourself (if you get the PC to Xcal2 cable as part of the deal). At this point the unit is ready to be programmed with a new tune. The short answer is no, its not just plug and play. It has to be reprogrammed regardless. As long as there are only aftermarket tunes on it your fine, if there is a stock Ford tune on it, it will be a giant PITA for you.
what r considered good prices for a new Xcal2?

and what exectly can you do with it? does it worth of buying one?

just still waiting for someone to expalin :unsure:
NikiterZTS,Sep 12 2006, 07:35 PM Wrote:just still waiting for someone to expalin  :unsure:

Patience young grasshopper.

Not everyone checks the board 20 times a day.