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OK at this point Im not really sure what to do.... I have checked the fuse on my horn.... and Im preety sure the wires to the horn itself are live. Ive even changed the horn and Still I dont have a beepbeep sound.

anyone have any ideas....again....
i can sell you our horn cheap. We just put a new horn on.
Mason,Aug 31 2006, 11:51 AM Wrote:OK at this point Im not really sure what to do.... I have checked the fuse on my horn.... and Im preety sure the wires to the horn itself are live. Ive even changed the horn and Still I dont have a beepbeep sound.

anyone have any ideas....again....

Could be from the steering wheel to the fuse panel/horn.
do you have a voltmeter? If you do, check when the horn is engaged if there is current getting to the horn
I wanna say its engaging when I puch the wheel. I can hear it in the fusebox. I know this indicates a live connection because if I pull the fuse out it stops clicking in the fusebox...

just go here

and get yer self a new horn.....i would....oh yeah i would
well before it died, did it sound like it was full of water or something ? mine did before I found out it was the ground wires getting loose & corroded, So I cleaned the contacts and solderedd them on and it solved the problem.
1. Ive already purchased another horn and hooked it up it didnt work.

2. And no. It sounded fine. I just tried to beep my horn when i locked the doors and it didnt work. so i figured fuse. Ima test the wires at the end where they connect to the horn itself.

Im preety sure there live though.
Mason,Sep 1 2006, 09:14 PM Wrote:1. Ive already purchased another horn and hooked it up it didnt work.

2. And no. It sounded fine. I just tried to beep my horn when i locked the doors and it didnt work. so i figured fuse. Ima test the wires at the end where they connect to the horn itself.

Im preety sure there live though.

Well I can tell you it is the wiring between tour fuse box and the actual horn. I know this because you said it is clicking at the fuse box (the relay) and that means there's pwr. So you can either trace the original wires or just run new ones. That is up to you. ( I'd just run new and be done with it)
Raining. Not checking electircal today. tomarrow.
Mason,Sep 2 2006, 02:18 PM Wrote:Raining. Not checking electircal today. tomarrow.

Have you got the problem fixed? or are you still a silent runner?

Get one of these.

[Image: macmillan_english_dictionary_big.jpg]
ANTHONYD,Sep 5 2006, 08:24 AM Wrote:Mason.

Get one of these.

[Image: macmillan_english_dictionary_big.jpg]

Now Anthony, in his defense; he's probably a little occupied with the horn....He probably won't hear us anyway.
So I checked the connection and the wires to the horn itself are live. There must be an issue in the wheel itself.
I think ive had enuf and im gonna break down and get ford to fix it.

Take it to the dealer.

The horn is an important function.
pfft.. who needs a horn? :P
Ya don't mess with the wheel cause there's the AIRBAG that you could set off. I know this would hurt cause back home one of the guys on my volunteer fire dept. had one deploy in his face when he moved the steering columb during an extracation. It knocked out 4 teeth and fractured his jaw and check bone..........wasn't pretty let me tell you.
jen_deans,Sep 5 2006, 12:22 PM Wrote:pfft.. who needs a horn? :P

Who needs a horn.... Some one who is trying to get this fixed so he can take a Road Test for a job.

And ya im not touching the wheel. No doubt ill get in with a screw driver and the airbag will blow before I even touch it.
just get one of the "horn is broken, watch for finger" bumper sticker and you're good to go! :)

What job are you applying for anyways?
Wow you're applying for a job that is testing your driving habits?

Good luck with that.
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