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So I have a flat but they wont fix it cause they say its not close enough to the center tread( its like 4 mill off). I was thinking of just doing the the repair with one of those kits they sell at Canadian Tire. Has anyone done this and does it last long?
D-Dub,Aug 28 2006, 02: Wrote:So I have a flat but they wont fix it cause they say its not close enough to the center tread( its like 4 mill off). I was thinking of just doing the the repair with one of those kits they sell at Canadian Tire. Has anyone done this and does it last long?

I have one in my Dunlop's, put in last summer. Works fine for me.
bring it to another shop?

Now, if its 4mm close to the sidewall then I can understand why they are refusing to do the work.
I have used these kits before. They work great. I have even seen people use them in sidewalls, but I wouldn't do it. But I am sure if you are still on the tread you can do it. Follow the directions, ream it good then stick it in the hole.
Focus man, Focus.,Aug 28 2006, 01:21 PM Wrote:I ream it good the stick it in the hole.

Quote of the year....

Depends what you're referring to. The cans of tire sealant kinda suck. The rubber strips & tools work fine. I've used them for years.
Do not use the sealants - they're garbage. Wen you change the tires that s hit is all over the place. Sometimes it doesn't disperse evenly - result is a severely un-balanced tire.
the puncture in on the tread part not the side wall and the kit I was looking at was the one that you have to cut the tire and insert the strip. It says on the kit "emergency tire repair kit".....if this has worked for most of you then I may just try it out.
NO those thing give more troblem than good trust me I worked at a tire shop..
I had some tire sealant in my emergency car kit, and my buddy at work (2004 Tiburon) had a flat tire, so we tries the can! Suprisingly it turned out excellent, he ran on it for about 3 weeks afterwards without issues!

But this only one case, I have yet to have a flat on my cars! **knock on wood**
Take it to Nicks Automotive in Oakville and he'll plug it for $10. Did mine on the outer edge tread that takes all the corner abuse, no problems.