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Got lazy - never left the yard! :D

[Image: th_5a375b9d.jpg]
[Image: th_72752297.jpg]
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[Image: th_68329e67.jpg]
Here we go, the never ending picture taker that is now NOS. How about make an album and we can view it from there. Just update the post when you put more pics up. Please.
Hrm. Alright.
And if I could suggest a couple of things. In the a remote flash. It doesn't have to be expensive, and could even be a used flash. Put a peanut bulb on it and your flash, when it goes off, will set off the remote flash.
The picture on the front page was done using this techinique and why it is so vivid and looks like there is more light coming from the rear/sun side of the car then there actually is. You might see it in the rims.
And do you know what the aperature setting is and how to change it to bring more light in and keep the shutter open longer? I am asking only because your photos seem very dark.
I could make a niteshade comment her, such as did you niteshade the photos, but that's old news.
Keep working at it.
p.s. TRIPOD!!

or any stable surface when taking lo-light pics...

that's how my point and shoot pics ended up on the Skydome website ;)
darkpuppet,Aug 2 2006, 03:46 PM Wrote:p.s.  TRIPOD!!

or any stable surface when taking lo-light pics...

that's how my point and shoot pics ended up on the Skydome website ;)

can u post the link to your pics at that website?

NikiterZTS,Aug 2 2006, 04:49 PM Wrote:
darkpuppet,Aug 2 2006, 03:46 PM Wrote:p.s.  TRIPOD!!

or any stable surface when taking lo-light pics...

that's how my point and shoot pics ended up on the Skydome website ;)

can u post the link to your pics at that website?


one of 'em.. can be found here in the banner.

not the best pic I took that night tho... have to dig up the originals from the crashed hdd.

p.s. that pic was taken with a canon s40 from a skybox directly across from the stage at the other end of the stadium..
meford4u,Aug 2 2006, 04:43 PM Wrote:And if I could suggest a couple of things.  In the a remote flash.  It doesn't have to be expensive, and could even be a used flash.  Put a peanut bulb on it and your flash, when it goes off, will set off the remote flash.
The picture on the front page was done using this techinique and why it is so vivid and looks like there is more light coming from the rear/sun side of the car then there actually is.  You might see it in the rims.
And do you know what the aperature setting is and how to change it to bring more light in and keep the shutter open longer?  I am asking only because your photos seem very dark.
I could make a niteshade comment her, such as did you niteshade the photos, but that's old news.
Keep working at it.

It's all on purpose, the way the shots look. The warming of the colours, the exposure... all of it. That and I've had it for 5 days. I have a tripod, but I was messing around and didn't feel like fishing it out for 1/2 an hour of shots. The streetlights cast an interesting glow and the exposure settings just draw it out more. Plus, I was able to shoot without much noise/grain... so it's worth keeping the pictures.

I'm also working on getting a cordless remote so there's no shake. - oh man, it's $25 at Black's. Holy crap. Guess who's going to Sudbury for a remote and maybe another SD card soon?