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EDIT for the cross-linkage. Cam is a Nikon D50 DSLR with the standard 18-55mm lens so far. I'm planning to get the 70-300mm ED telephoto lens before Christmas.

So far, I'm blown away. The features on this thing are astounding.

We've had fun for the year and a half we had our 4MP Samsung Digimax A400, but I think the only reason we kept it was how well it actually did at our wedding. That, and the movie mode's pretty good too.

I do repeat... blown away here. 280 shots on a 1GB card in JPEG - Super Fine mode. The quality gets even better in Raw mode with 0 compression or tinkering. And the camera's really responsive with an amazing flash.

But enough text, on with the pictures.

[Image: th_5616d888.jpg]
[Image: th_fc9991a5.jpg]
[Image: th_b0a40617.jpg]
[Image: th_998d74c8.jpg]

The lighting's a bitch here today, but overall I'm happy. AND LOOK! It can render Sangria Red finally!

Note the difference, compared to here:

[Image: th_5d5f7429.jpg]
[Image: th_b3f0c83a.jpg]
Nice shots, so what cam did you upgrade to? :lol:

EDIT: Okay, now I see... excitement thrown onto two threads, that's fine. ( )

Nice choice with the cam, congrats!
i def see the difference....good purches...congrats
Nice choice Adam. Nikon always is a good choice. It's the damn lenses and aftermarket equipment costs that can really explode your budget.
But the 50 is a great camera and I am sure you will love it.

Yeah, the dang lens I want is over 400 bones. Otherwise, aside from another battery or two... that's all we need. It's a hell of a package.
NOS2Go4Me,Jul 30 2006, 04:19 PM Wrote:Yeah, the dang lens I want is over 400 bones. Otherwise, aside from another battery or two... that's all we need. It's a hell of a package.

Why the 70-300 ED and not the 55-200 DX? I wouldn't want to miss some portrait range.

If you want the 70-300 range, check out the Sigma 70-300 APO DG. Very nice lens. I've done some shooting with both (on a D100). Very similar results between both lens. Comes down to a feel/build quality preference. The Sigma *should* be a bit cheaper too.

Nice choice on the camera! :headbang: I wish I could be following in your footsteps. I'll be stuck in a Prosumer for a little while still though... :angry:

Ryan <- ex-camera salesbastard
Nice choice in camera!! I want to upgrade my SLR to DSLR but they just cost so much right now! I'm very jealous!!!!!

I recently purchased a Sigma 70 - 300 for it and I'm lovin' it right now!
If I end up upgrading my Pentax Z-30 to the Pentax *Ist D or DS then my lens will work on that camera as well!!! **thinking ahead for a future purchase**

As for the feel of the lens I would recommend sigma as well!! The price was right as well $110 CDN to my door!!


Have fun with the new camera, and hope to see some nice pics of futures meets and camping trips!!!!

I want the ED lens for the better light transmission and better quality for enlargements at full zoom. I could get the G lens as well for about $200, but apparently I'd be sacrificing some quality on high-zoom shots.

Also, I'm sure the 55-200 is good, but the extra zoom is what I want for wildlife and such. There are a lot of good sightings here in North Bay and area, but they're often well-recessed from the roads and developments along right-of-ways and whatnot.

Plus, the 18-55mm that came with the camera is an ED lens. I'd rather have uniformity and quality - no offense meant of course!

The 55-70mm gap does concern me a tad, but I might swap lenses down the road.

EDIT - the reviews on that Sigma aren't so bad. It's worth considering, that's for sure.

Does anyone have a link to high quality, long focal-length Sigma prints?
Not to be an a$$, but the 55-200 is an ED lens... :P

55-200 page from

I found this on dpreview as a samble of that the D50/D70 can do with the Sigma.

Check the reviews in the forums on of the various lenses (I'm sure you already have) and use that to help you.

Also, now that you are a Nikon owner, you can peruse for any info you might be looking for.

Ahhh, I hadn't checked out the 55-200 DX. Good thing it's an ED lens, too. :)

So I'd have 3 then, total, if things worked out. I bookmarked it, thanks man!