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Full Version: Holy Shnikes!
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North Bay is a freaking disaster area. Within a one block radius of my place, there's a dozen trees down, broken fences, down poles, and debris everywhere.

Its friken crazy. They said 2 funnel clouds came through town but nothing has been confirmed.

And to top things off, I took a look this morning at my new house, and there's a big tree that fell and took out one of the fences. Arg!!!

At least I was lucky enough to get my laptop from work and use my dial up.

On the plus side, I didn't have to go to work. :D
yeah..there was some pretty heavy damage reported in Toronto as well.... trees, houses, cars damaged up in newmarket, while in Toronto a couple concrete utility poles appear to have cracked.

It was pretty scary when the storm rolled through lastnight. It's not often my entire building shakes like that, and it's always a bit unsettling when it does.
Yep, i'm pretty sure it damaged a tree or two on our condo's terace. not to mention the dust storm caused by the adjacent construction site. i wish i took pictures
all i have to do just close my window...cuz it was raining :)
First time in a while that a major storm rolled through Mississauga and I didn't really see much other than the light show (While continuing to work on my PC, why yes I do have a death wish, why do you ask? :lol:)

The storm last week was worse, with the winds, it felt like my entire building was moving :ph34r:

Glad to hear that your new house survived mostly unscathed Oscar ;)

Down here in south etobicoke, we got nothing. Few flashes, perhaps 1 piece of hail,and 5 drops of rain. Bit of wind, I was so disapointed.
I was watching the storm on the weather network and it was calm until 10ish. Then it just hit the house like a train. So I ran outside to the patio and watched the storm with my laptop. It was all over 10 minutes later :(

This area never seems to get many storms, seems they pass just north or south of us.
It was blowing pretty hard for about 15 minutes. The canopy on my deck flexed a good 3 feet from vertical but stayed intact. All of the pool floaties ended up against the fence. It was pretty scary, but short lived thankfully.

A person at my work was flying into Toronto and on final approach when the winds kicked up. She said the plane dropped 50 ft suddenly 3 or 4 times. She almost threw up. At the last minute the pilot aborted the landing and took off back into the sky. They flew around the lake a few times until the winds died down and finally back for a safe landing.

She said it was the most scared she has every been in her life.
Wow looks like we were not the only ones hit.

However, good news. Power is finally back up at my place, but not up at the office (but like that is a big loss. :D

Was sure a challenge keeping my sister's kids entertained during the time. God bless APC units and power invertors. We didn't miss a beat for tv and internet! :D