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And causes Michelle to cry every time I leave because she just wants to all to be done with finally.

What a f***ing PAIN IN THE ASS this is. We've been working on gathering all of this stuff up for the past 2 months.

Aside from waiting on my new passport to arrive, since it expired, and I didn't keep tabs on it because I never use it.

They wants dates we have been together. How do we do that? I don't think "Almost every other weekend for the past two years" would fly. "Use a separate sheet if necessary" .. How about a couple of reams of paper to put all of the dates on it?

I wonder if I stopped into the immigration office, if they could print anything for us, regarding dates I entered Canada, and dates she entered the US.

Proof of visits and such... they want tickets, visas, etc... Again, how? We drive back and forth. We don't require a visa, tickets, or anything. How are we supposed to prove that?

Phone bills. I have about a 3/4" stack of past phone bills since October 2005. Now, we started dating in July of 2004 (2 years ago as of yesterday.. go us!). That is ONLY my calls. I even removed the unnecessary stuff. Thats not including her past phone bills, if she can get copies of them. And I can't get anything previous to Oct. 2005.

They want photos, and valid passport #s for my parents and brother. WTF? At least my parent's are valid. My brother's expired last year, same as mine. Then I have to tell them to go get photos taken. PITA. They're not even coming with me. But they want it anyways.

I'm really surprised that the last question isn't "so, how many times does your wife take a dump every day?".

The physical I had to take.. $325. Talk about taking it up the butt. At least there wasn't a finger involved during the process. I even got a lecture, at 33, about AIDS.

This is seriously frustrating. Anyone know any immigration people who can grease the rails and make this less painful and annoying?
Sadly, this is the norm when you go through the normal procedure. But on the bright side by doing it this way you avoid a boatload of problems later.

(Welcome to Canada, please empty your wallet and bend over :lol:)
NefCanuck,Jul 17 2006, 09:13 AM Wrote:NefCanuck
(Welcome to Canada, please empty your wallet and bend over :lol:)
Your funny Daniel. But once your in you will never want to leave. Just look around any form of public transit. Ethnic diversity is going strong in Canada. Not to mention the free health care.

Just don't forget to add "eh" to the end of all your sentances.
you have to go thru that s*** bc so many ppl abuse the system. so the system gets more and more strick everyday. But i bet lot of those have to go with ppl bringing brides over india and s***. you need visas and such. As for US, you can tell them you guys have been together since 04 and let them prove that you havent!!!

Good luck.