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Full Version: Okay That's It..... I'm Doing This To My Car.
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I love these stealth installs.


I like the versitility of this idea, not to mention how clean and proper it is.
That is NICE!!!
I like it!
That's sick, but I'd worry about enough airflow around the amps. I mean, he must have a spare in the well, so there can't be much air there to carry heat away no?
Thats a sweet looking install. Airflow around the amps might be an issue, but being that the heat sinks are on the top of the amps and they're mounted top up, it shouldn't be too much of a prob.
also, iirc. those memphis amps barley heat up at all.

Car amps dont usually heat up enough to cause damage unless youre doing something crazy to them.

Wow that is awsome. I think I might do that for my next audio install. That would be amazing.
That looks nice overall...think he could use liquid cooling tubes or some sort of forced induction method with fans to keep stuff cool...then again, a lot of Memphis stuff is digital or digital hybrid anyways, which as very little heat transffer...
he only charged him 400 for labour and materials
Extremely clean install, that's for sure. B)
That is tight, I love the removable panels, hmm more ideas...