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2001 ZTS,Jun 30 2006, 02:43 PM Wrote:There are HUGE variances form tank to tank, station to station, brand to brand as much as 200km per tank under the SAME DRIVING CONDITIONS. That was very evident on our trip where entire tanks were used up with the cruise set at the same speed for the entire time on the same roads in the same atm/temp/headwind.

interesting. care to elaborate pls? as in.. which stations/brands were best/worse

and how did you calculate headwind btw? any chance of a slight incline change that would have put more load on the motor that you didn't notice?

i sort of suspected something like this because my bike has seen mileage fluctuate from 48mpg to 61mpg along the same road, in similar conditions but i can't really narrow down if its throttle application or fuel variability or something else
I get about 400-500km a tank and I mostly do 90% City 10% Highway.
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