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Full Version: Alternator Is Pooched
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On my '01 wagon, just after rolling over 210K km.

Anyone have to replace theirs? If yes, how much did it end up costing?

Ivan MacKenzie.
when my dad replaced the one on his 2003 zx5 it was around 250 for the alt, he installed it in the driveway.
Mine was around $700 for a custom Heavy duty 200Amp. Not what normal ppl need.
I've replaced 3. One from the wreckers, one from the parts store, and one from the parts store again, because the original parts store one was defective. Installed all three at home. You'll need to take off quite a bit of "stuff" to get it out, and remember the phrase" Just give it a pull". Not much space between the engine and the firewall......
First one took quite awhile to take out, 'cause I followed some directions, and didn't want to break anything. second and third were done in about an hour each, not counting time going back for the return of the faulty one
if you have to get an Alternator get it from parts source as they now sell new ones with a life time warentee, it's where I got mine from when mine died in january of last year