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Hey Guys,

Well I got quite the situation and I really DONT know what to do. I'll start off easy, I had some weird ticking noise coming from my car when I was in 5th and let off the throttle, so I took a Ford Tech out for a spin to listen to it and he could maybe point me in the right direction. Now my car still has Warrenty on it although the milage is at 58,000.

The Ford Guy told me it shouldn't be a big deal its probably just a vacumn line, IAC motor or something along the lines of that. SO, i told him, if its something MINOR like that then just fix it, if you have to do ANY work that requires me to pay OUTSIDE of my WARRENTY then CALL ME FIRST. So what do they do? Drop the transmission out of my car and tell me my differential is messed and so is my clutch........ What do they want to fix it? Well lets just say labor and NO parts $640.

I am f***ing PISSED :angry:

Now the bright side is I can throw in an aftermarket clutch and differential but its too bad I dont have that kind of money. I dont even have the money for them to throw the tranny back in my car. I'm so mad I don't know what to do. They went out of my word and tore APART my car WITHOUT my "Go Ahead"

Somebody help me,

Burnin21,Jun 16 2006, 03:42 PM Wrote:Hey Guys,

Well I got quite the situation and I really DONT know what to do. I'll start off easy, I had some weird ticking noise coming from my car when I was in 5th and let off the throttle, so I took a Ford Tech out for a spin to listen to it and he could maybe point me in the right direction. Now my car still has Warrenty on it although the milage is at 58,000.

The Ford Guy told me it shouldn't be a big deal its probably just a vacumn line, IAC motor or something along the lines of that. SO, i told him, if its something MINOR like that then just fix it, if you have to do ANY work that requires me to pay OUTSIDE of my WARRENTY then CALL ME FIRST. So what do they do? Drop the transmission out of my car and tell me my differential is messed and so is my clutch........ What do they want to fix it? Well lets just say labor and NO parts $640.

I am f***ing PISSED  :angry:

Now the bright side is I can throw in an aftermarket clutch and differential but its too bad I dont have that kind of money. I dont even have the money for them to throw the tranny back in my car. I'm so mad I don't know what to do. They went out of my word and tore APART my car WITHOUT my "Go Ahead"

Somebody help me,


Call the Service Manager right now. Detail everything as you told us, up to the point where you told him to call first before doing out-of-warranty work. Take it from there. Your next steps from there are the dealership owner and FoMoCoCan.
I was talking to the Service Manager. They wont cover the Diff OR ANYTHING (I wasnt expecting the clutch to be covered) under warrenty and now they are saying after parts installed and all $3300 tax in. WTF
Tell them you don't want any work done and you'll just pick up the car. Now you didn't sign for them to do out of warranty work on your car. They can't charge you for what you did not authorize.

A tranny swap is $300, don't let them stick it to you, also do NOT sign anything unless it says that you don't owe them anything, and make sure thats after they put the car back together for your, and you made sure it still runs.
Ok so, I just order an aftermarket clutch (ACT Stage 2) through my cousins shop, and I told them to pack up the parts and get the flatbed ready cause i'm taking my car to another shop. Man I hate Ford.
you shouldn't put up with that.. you didn't authorize any work on the car.. they shouldn't even have pulled it apart.

Which dealership is this?
Something is fishy...

what dealership, shop, or whatever is gonna just go ahead and do major work on a vehicle without paperwork..etc...

ask for them to produce a work order and to show you where your signature is....

then, if they will not help you, contact your lawyer.
Eastgate Ford, in Hamilton. Its my Dads friends Dealership (hes a salesman there) and even he can't do anything really. The dealership keeps telling me they wont cover any costs under warrenty because the car has been "Beaten On".
This is why i stay away from all dealerships.

As for your prob, i'd be demanding to see signed paper work, authorizing the work they did. If they can't produce anything, which i'm sure they can't, I'd just start suggesting to them that a lawyer is only a call away, and alot of lawyers would prolly love to deal with this case.
Sadly I might just have to go to that. I'm just really pissed all this had to happen. It didn't have to turn out like this. I'm just really pissed.
Guess i'll scratch eastgate ford off the list of dealerships i'm willing to go to in hamilton. Well atleast for service anyways. I don't mind the sales staff there.
Burnin21,Jun 16 2006, 03:42 PM Wrote:Hey Guys,

Well I got quite the situation and I really DONT know what to do. [right][snapback]193523[/snapback][/right]
Don't mean to be too lawyer-like, but a dealership will always ask you to sign something when you leave your car for service - so your signature is undoubtedly on some kind of document.

What's not important is what you told the service writer or what you think they told you in return - what is important is what it says on the doc you signed and therefore what you authorized them to do.

Maybe this is too late, but make sure you understand fully what you really committed to before you tee off on the service manager.

If for some reason the service writer misunderstood and wrote something down wrong and you signed it ... you may still have a good case, but under that circumstance you should approach the service manager in a different way.

Good luck.
I'll echo the sentiments of those who said demand to see the paperwork that you signed (and you did sign something, no dealership lets a customer leave the keys without signing something) and if the paperwork mysteriously vanishes and they still want their $ I'd say it's small claims court time.

Ya i Signed that paperwork at the beginning but i'm pretty sure thats just the right for them to look at your car and put anything through warrenty that is necessary. But to rip out my transmission without telling me then turning around and trying to charger me for it? No way somethings not right.
Burnin21,Jun 17 2006, 12:42 PM Wrote:Ya i Signed that paperwork at the beginning but i'm pretty sure thats just the right for them to look at your car and put anything through warrenty that is necessary. But to rip out my transmission without telling me then turning around and trying to charger me for it? No way somethings not right.

"Pretty sure" isn't good enough in this case, get a copy of the paperwork and review it. My guess is you agreed to a diagnostic and that's what they did. :P

Tearing my transmisson outta my car is considered a Diagnostic?
Thats just plain stupid if it is.
Shouldn't a diagnostic leave the car in the same shape as it was in before the diagnostic. If so pulling the tranny as a diagnostic would mean they have to put it back in. And besides pulling a tranny seems like more work than a diagnostic.

But if he signed something and the wording is may be S.O.L>

sorry.! It's kinda looking that way!
Well I'll let you guys know when I go to the Dealership tomorrow to pick up my car with a flatbed. I aint paying for s***, thats all there is to it.
Dood, that really dad likes to deal with Eastgate more than Mohawk because of the lack of runaround he's given there...

Remember I told you guys at the campout that I had my A/C fail on me, and I got it serviced with 60,058km's on the odometer...the service manager of the Ford Dealer here in Pet, which no longer exsists btw, said they won't cover it under warranty because it's over 60,000. I mentioned this to the Lincoln dealership in Brantford, and they said they wouldn't have haggled me if I was less than 100km's over the warranty...they would rather keep me as a repeat customer, as this brings more money than 1 job...Oh yeah, and whenever a service manager tells me what I should or shouldn't do with my car now, I just brush my hands up and down and then spread them apart, and inform them that the second the engine hit 100K, they washed their hands of any obligations to the who

Still, I know how you feel man. it's unfortunate that things are going the way they are though...but I agree with the decision to start order aftermarket drivetrain parts with the tranny out of the car...

Keep us posted...
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