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The New with the Old in the back:

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WOOT I'm the first NICE CAR.
Nice... more than I'm willing to spend, but nice!
Nicley done... Congrats Mike..

Anyone bite on the focus yet?
My A8 will make your little car cry....


just kiddin..nice step's are so fun to drive!
scoobasteve,Jun 7 2006, 11:39 AM Wrote:Nicley done... Congrats Mike..

Anyone bite on the focus yet?

Not even a nibble Steve.
That is a beautiful car!!!!
Nicely done!
that's a bit of a step up... congrats man!
Funny you posted this, my fiancee and I have been looking at the exact same car...... nice choice!!
I like it mike
Nice car indeed, I'd hate to think what the insurance & gas is gonna be on that thing :ph34r:

But its a beautiful car nonetheless.

Nice choice! Congrats!
So you got any plans for the new beauty yet?
Hey Mike, I guess you are back fro Europe, The Audi looks sweet.

I guess you and I will be the first and last owners of the focies :(

Mine hasnt been sold either. No one even calls to see how it is. I even lowered the price to 69, and still nothing. I might have to just give it away for free to someone soon

haha, i could use a free focus :P
NefCanuck,Jun 7 2006, 02:31 PM Wrote:Nice car indeed, I'd hate to think what the insurance & gas is gonna be on that thing :ph34r: 

But its a beautiful car nonetheless.


Because this Audi is under my dad's business as a company car I am not allowed to be insured as a primary driver on it. Instead I am insured under my dad's 2001 BMW M3 and my premium is $2400/year. As far as gas goes it's maybe a little more consuming that the focus but you have to think of it this way. This 2.0Turbo engine is way more powerful than my focus. I will accelerate to my desired speed much more quickly and with much less effort so I won't be using as much fuel. The 2.0T engine won engine of the year because of it's FSI (Fuel Stratification Injection) technology. Basically the engine becomes that much more efficient hence lowering gas consumption.

Throw your car on ebay this week... they have free listings for canadian cars June 5-11.
Nice upgrade!!!!!!!
*WOW* Nice ride man, that car is beutiful! Enjoy my friend :)
nice car! congrats!! hey since you are the primary driver in terms of insurance on the M3, maybe that should be your primary car!!!! :lol:
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