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Full Version: My Day Really Sucked Until I Got Home Today
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Well, today was one of those days where everything that could go wrong did, including getting fried by my cars interior after a meeting this morning (Witnesses reported hearing my curses of pain two cars over <_< )

Came back to the office to find out someone booked a client for me without even a heads up and spent most of the time finding out they didn't have any of the docs I needed.

Then I get dragged into the office managers office to fix her accounting program again which is taking great delight in going absolutely bats*** in random ways since our PC's were upgraded to Win XP.

My co-workers decide it would be "funny" to tell me that our postage metre is leaking its ink cartridge, leading me to scramble over to the machine and calls of PSYCHE!

The secretary decides not to answer phone calls while I'm drowning in calls I have to make and tasks I have to take care of and then gets offended when I call her on it :angry:

and then I get this news in an email:

Made everything today go down really nice :)

congrats man!!!

I forgot to sign up for that, but I think I'll be going, since its just across the bridge.
Congrats. Glad to see that something good happened on an otherwise crappy day.
w00t! Go Dan!
Right on Dan, Congrats. I totally forgot about that draw. You are going to have some super bright interior lights now.

Congrats!!! Put up pics when you get them in :)
Hell yeah!

can't wait to see em'.

Let me know if you need help putting them in Daniel.
Ditto, if you need a hand, I'm available!
Right on, congrats! Glad to hear something went well for you at least, around all that other crap.
ANTHONYD,May 31 2006, 07:47 AM Wrote:Hell yeah!

can't wait to see em'.

Let me know if you need help putting them in Daniel.

Oh heck yeah I'll need a hand. :lol:

When the package arrives I'll be looking at it like a caveman would look at an iPod :D

I can supervise if you need me to. I bring my own drinks too!