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Full Version: Advice On Gap
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Alright, so I bought some Autolite 104 coppers that I'm going to put in. I want to gap them at 0.055. I have the gapping tool that has the rings on it. Unfortunately it doesn't have 0.055 and goes from 0.050 to 0.060. How would you guys go about gapping it to 0.055?

I made it so that 0.050 goes through the ring no problem with a little bit of room, but yet small enough so the 0.060 goes in a bit, but cannot pass through. Is this the common way of doing this? Or must I buy a gapper with a 0.055 on it?

tetra,Aug 29 2009, 06:24 PM Wrote:Alright, so I bought some Autolite 104 coppers that I'm going to put in. I want to gap them at 0.055. I have the gapping tool that has the rings on it. Unfortunately it doesn't have 0.055 and goes from 0.050 to 0.060. How would you guys go about gapping it to 0.055?

I made it so that 0.050 goes through the ring no problem with a little bit of room, but yet small enough so the 0.060 goes in a bit, but cannot pass through. Is this the common way of doing this? Or must I buy a gapper with a 0.055 on it?


Personally I would simply go 0.05 ... but if you want to go to the next decimal place you need one of the round graduated gappers ... Like this one
i would say that if your going for 0.055 and you dont want to buy a 0.055 the technique that you used would Suffice.

if a 0.05 fits with some room and a 0.06 dose not fit that puts you roughly where you want to be
Jmountney1,Aug 29 2009, 09:11 PM Wrote:i would say that if your going for 0.055 and you dont want to buy a 0.055 the technique that you used would Suffice.

if a 0.05 fits with some room and a 0.06 dose not fit that puts you roughly where you want to be

I just went to CT and bought a coin gapper with all of the possible sizes.. So I'm good now lol
see i told you to get that one like i have lol
Don't be a smart-ass Mike!! lol
Yaa round gappers ftw