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"dang-a-da dang-a-da-dang" haha sounds so funny.

But that guy would mess up somebody really good! Hes facking scary.

That whole slit the guys throat, you could just toss him out, right?
I wonder how many times he's been in s*** for using excessive force?
That guy was actually a fighter in the UFC. Don't think he fights anymore but its good to see his heart's still in the right place. lol.
scoobasteve,May 16 2006, 02:06 PM Wrote:I wonder how many times he's been in s*** for using excessive force?

I'd say a few times atleast.

But he's right its a street fight, and I'd be doing anything i have to, to get out of the situation.
lol. "Create some distance and grab a chair." :rofl:
Wow! Man I sometimes really miss bouncing at the local bar, I could totally make an instructional video just like that. Best line from a bouncer I ever heard was at a strip club last weekend, bouncer says to a guy who'd just slashed a strippers face with a broken bottle, for refusing to give a drunk f***tard a poster "I'm gonna teach this door frame a f***in' lesson, with your f***in' head!!!" He sounded quite remarkably like a pissed off Al Pacino when he said it too. I'm pretty sure there were teeth marks on the door frame after he was done.
I work as one here in Trenton on the weekends, The best I have see is my third night on the job at the bar I'm at now.

We had three guys get into an tuffle (about to start into a full fight) Me and the other bouncer had two guys and a buddy of the third was somewhat holding back. well it was a karoke night and one of the regulars was singing " I'm a gigalo" and he was in an instumental break.
He walked up to this guy from behind and grabbed him by the ear and said "lets go little boy" and proceeded to the door. When he got there he pushed it open with his foot and pushed him out the door by his ear still and said " If your going to act like a child you can go home because it is past your bedtime."
He then proceeded to continue with the song, at the end he realized that he had the mic close enough to him that all the customers heard; so he apppologized for the kids behaviour.
I couldn't believe it,... I thought I had seen it all for ways to bounce someone, but then this regular customer shows us this method.
another lesson for the tape...

don't date the waitresses or shooter girls.

the best one we had at the bar i worked at was when a couple of punks thought they'd jump the bouncer working alone that night to get back at him for the past saturday's boot.

Unfortunately for the punks, there were 6 of us playing pool upstairs on our day off.

hilarity ensued.

one night, we had a guy go into the woman's washroom.... there were two of us working the downstairs entrance, and it was a race to see who got to toss the kid first. I won.. chased the kid upstairs, picked him up with one arm, grabbed his drink with the other, opened the door with his head and tossed him on a parking meter. I swear, this guy weighed maybe 150 tops. gotta love the easy ones.

but I made the mistake of turning my head once. grabbed a beer from a beligerent, not realizing he was holding onto another one. After he broke the bottle upside my head, I turned around to see him coming at me with the other fist... I wish I could say I did everything afterwards voluntary, but I lucked out, got under his fist and put his head in the rug and waited for the other bouncers to catch up.

Occasionally, I'd go home with a bloody jersey.... had to learn to throw that in the wash right away so mom wouldn't get all worried that it was mine.

ah... the old days..

Been there.

Put a guy through a humidor one night. Sliced my hands up getting him out before he fillet himself.

One night I took a patio table in the head, chased him accross the street and sat on his head in the Square=One parking lot until the rest of the boys showed up.

I wish I had a dollar for each head we used to open the back door. :lol:

we used to have a back stairwell that we'd toss real (or repeat) troublemakers down. The banister wasn't the most well secured to the wall, and as long as you tossed people towards the railing so they can catch themselves, is it my fault the railing would pop out?
darkpuppet,May 18 2006, 10:55 AM Wrote:we used to have a back stairwell that we'd toss real (or repeat) troublemakers down.  The banister wasn't the most well secured to the wall, and as long as you tossed people towards the railing so they can catch themselves, is it my fault the railing would pop out?

We had escilators to toss them down. We would usually toss them down the escilator going back up and the beat them again when they got back to us.
Recently there was a fight at the local bar here, Athena's.

1 guy decided to take on 6 bouncers.

The one guy, won the king of the cage and trains full time for fighting in 5 different martail arts. It was like Taz the Tazmanian Devil went throught the place. Just tore everything and anyone that came near him apart into peices.

I grabbed my scooner and left when it started drifing towards us.