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Canadian Tire made a big deal out of putting Nitrogen in my tires (for free, I'm not fricken stupid). Only... they underinflated them all 4-5 psi.

Buncha f***tards. You'd think for a place called Canadian Tire, they could at least get that right.
P-51,May 2 2006, 01: Wrote:Canadian Tire made a big deal out of putting Nitrogen in my tires (for free, I'm not fricken stupid).  Only... they underinflated them all 4-5 psi.

Buncha f***tards.  You'd think for a place called Canadian Tire, they could at least get that right.

I don't know what's up but the past 2 times I was at crappy tire getting something for the focus they are out of stock and tell me they no longer carry the item... I was getting an oil filter and cabin filter.

P-51,May 1 2006, 09: Wrote:Canadian Tire made a big deal out of putting Nitrogen in my tires (for free, I'm not fricken stupid).  Only... they underinflated them all 4-5 psi.

Buncha f***tards.  You'd think for a place called Canadian Tire, they could at least get that right.

There's a reason most people call it crappy tire. Not a bad place if you know what you're looking for. Need help from someone that works there? you'd better off talking to a wall.
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