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Ford F 150 Commercial - laidman - 03-26-2006

I know you have all seen it, can the new F 150 really lift that semi????? It says that it can tow 9900lbs, I think thats kinda much. Someone buy that truck and we can test it. SMASHY SMASHY!! :P

Ford F 150 Commercial - ZTWsquared - 03-26-2006

laidman,Mar 25 2006, 06:48 PM Wrote:I know you have all seen it, can the new F 150 really lift that semi?????  It says that it can tow 9900lbs, I think thats kinda much.  Someone buy that truck and we can test it.  SMASHY SMASHY!! :P
Yeah ... I was wondering the exact same thing. But towing and lifting are two different things. And even if it could lift that weight, do you think they really did it for the commercial or was it FX -- my bet is FX.

Ford F 150 Commercial - 2001 ZTS - 03-26-2006

I could lift that semi with my own two hands..............

...........if I had a lever big enough and a place to stand. It's called mechanical advantage. Seeing as the truck drove quite a few feet and the semi was only lifted about ten that tells me a block and tackle was used.

Ford F 150 Commercial - laidman - 03-26-2006

your theory I agree with but also they could have used a multi pulley system, dividing the wieght to make it feesable. LOok erevyone, it worked, heyhey don't look over there,

Ford F 150 Commercial - 2001 ZTS - 03-26-2006

laidman,Mar 25 2006, 07:02 PM Wrote:your theory I agree with but also they could have used a multi pulley system, dividing the wieght to make it feesable.  LOok erevyone, it worked, heyhey don't look over there,

Ummmmm, a block and tackle is a "pulley system". :lol:

Ford F 150 Commercial - OAC_Sparky - 03-26-2006

2001 ZTS,Mar 25 2006, 06:29 PM Wrote:I could lift that semi with my own to handsSeeing as the truck drove quite a few feet and the semi was only lifted about ten that tells me a block and tackle was used.
Yep. Joe Average doesn't understand how a block and tackle works. But in a commercial there's plenty of "wow" factor.

I have a small one set up in my garage to lift tires up into a storage rack when I swap my winters/summers. I can lift two at a time 12' into the air with little effort. Saves trying to wrestle the tires up a ladder. :banger:

Ford F 150 Commercial - nass - 03-26-2006

ok I was wondering the weight of a semi so I found this:

Quote: What is the approximate weight of a 1997 Freightliner semi-tractor?

(0 ratings) submitted by mrblanche (100%, 1 rating), Mar 18, 06

That would depend a lot on the truck's configuration. In other words, is it a cab-over or conventional? Does it have a sleeper or not?

A cab-over non-sleeper single-drive-axle truck could be as little as 12,000 lbs. A conventional with a large sleeper and two drive axles could be as much as 22,000 lbs.

I know that one wasn't cab over but it's a good number. SO they are sorta lying and making us think that the truck can lift a semi with it's own power without assistance hehe no big deal just saying... so is it in theory possible to rig up a pulley system that would allow a focus to do the same thing??

Ford F 150 Commercial - OAC_Sparky - 03-26-2006

nass,Mar 25 2006, 07:33 PM Wrote:... so is it in theory possible to rig up a pulley system that would allow a focus to do the same thing??
Yes, the amount of weight that a pulley system can lift (or pull) is (IIRC--it's been a while) proportional to the number of turns over the pulley.

ie. A pair of blocks, each having 3 pulleys would have 5 turns (ie ropes between the blocks) thus a Focus could lift a (5x1500lbs) 7500lb deadweight. Add another couple of pulleys, and it can lift more.

The downside, is that you trade force for distance. To lift the load "x" distance you would have to pull 5x the length of rope.

Ford F 150 Commercial - 2001 ZTS - 03-26-2006

OAC_Sparky,Mar 25 2006, 07:49 PM Wrote:
nass,Mar 25 2006, 07:33 PM Wrote:... so is it in theory possible to rig up a pulley system that would allow a focus to do the same thing??
Yes, the amount of weight that a pulley system can lift (or pull) is (IIRC--it's been a while) proportional to the number of turns over the pulley.

ie. A pair of blocks, each having 3 pulleys would have 5 turns (ie ropes between the blocks) thus a Focus could lift a (5x1500lbs) 7500lb deadweight. Add another couple of pulleys, and it can lift more.

The downside, is that you trade force for distance. To lift the load "x" distance you would have to pull 5x the length of rope.


Every complex machine in existance (including a Ford Focus) is made up of and uses the same principals as, the "six simple machines" (or 5 if you consider, like I do, the screw to be merely a wound up wedge) and nothing else. Name any function, action, part or system in any mechanical device and it can all be linked back to the simple machines.

My 5 year old kid likes and understands this site, I hope you all do too:

Ford F 150 Commercial - 2001 ZTS - 03-26-2006

nass,Mar 25 2006, 07:33 PM Wrote:... so is it in theory possible to rig up a pulley system that would allow a focus to do the same thing??

I (a few posts back in this thread) used a variation of "Give me a lever and a place to stand and I will move the Earth" which has to be one of the most well known quotes EVER made yet only 1 person here (Sparky) "gets it"and others need an explaination? Archimedes said it first sometime between 280-211 BC. I am so obviously running with the wrong crowd. I may be old but wasn't around when he said it. Maybe it is the education system?


Ford F 150 Commercial - ZX5focused - 03-26-2006

i "get it", i understand pulleys and physics quite well. also if you guys really pay attention to the commercial, it never actually shows the F150 under the semi. the first shot shows the front view and the F150 seems to still be "behind" the semi and the side view, i think the F150 is "next" to the semi. jsut my observation, but its obvious that and F150 coudl not do that without "help"

Ford F 150 Commercial - laidman - 03-26-2006

yup I blame the education system, either way the whole semi lifting
F 150, is still cool to see, even though it really isnt possible without a little help

Ford F 150 Commercial - OAC_Sparky - 03-26-2006

2001 ZTS,Mar 25 2006, 08:51 PM Wrote:I (a few posts back in this thread) used a variation of "Give me a lever and a place to stand and I will move the Earth" which has to be one of the most well known quotes EVER made yet only 1 person here (Sparky) "gets it"and others need an explaination? Archimedes said it first sometime between 280-211 BC. I am so obviously running with the wrong crowd. I may be old but wasn't around when he said it. Maybe it is the education system?[right][snapback]176953[/snapback][/right]
Lol, I think it's a little bit of both "we are old" and "changes to the education system".

Judging by what I see in the education of my kids (ranging from 6-15 years old) that a lot of time is wasted in the pursuit of being "well rounded", which used to be what "home time" was. My 15yo is in Grade 10, still has to take another mandated "art"-type class (guitar lessons!).

When I was in Grade 10 we had Science, Math, English, Geography, French and a Double-Tech class. Guitar lessons was a weekend thing your parents paid for.

I say if by the time you are in high school and you have a good idea of what you want to be (aeronautical engineer) you should be able to bee-line your courses (ie heavy sciences/math) and bypass "Guitar Lessons" if you want to. Even though in the end I didn't do the Aeronautical Engineer thing, I'm still in a technical field, which at least pays the bills.

And don't get me started on the aversion our education system has to training for the trades... :rolleyes:

I can see offering the courses, but "mandatory"? sheesh

Ford F 150 Commercial - 2001 ZTS - 03-26-2006

laidman,Mar 25 2006, 09:03 PM Wrote:.......... the whole semi lifting
F 150, is still cool to see

AGREED, a very effective commercial for sure. So effective that there is a thread about it and it is good enough to be talked about.

Ford F 150 Commercial - 2001 ZTS - 03-26-2006

OAC_Sparky,Mar 25 2006, 09:23 PM Wrote:
2001 ZTS,Mar 25 2006, 08:51 PM Wrote:I (a few posts back in this thread) used a variation of "Give me a lever and a place to stand and I will move the Earth" which has to be one of the most well known quotes EVER made yet only 1 person here (Sparky) "gets it"and others need an explaination? Archimedes said it first sometime between 280-211 BC. I am so obviously running with the wrong crowd. I may be old but wasn't around when he said it. Maybe it is the education system?[right][snapback]176953[/snapback][/right]
Lol, I think it's a little bit of both "we are old" and "changes to the education system".

Judging by what I see in the education of my kids (ranging from 6-15 years old) that a lot of time is wasted in the pursuit of being "well rounded", which used to be what "home time" was. My 15yo is in Grade 10, still has to take another mandated "art"-type class (guitar lessons!).

When I was in Grade 10 we had Science, Math, English, Geography, French and a Double-Tech class. Guitar lessons was a weekend thing your parents paid for.

I say if by the time you are in high school and you have a good idea of what you want to be (aeronautical engineer) you should be able to bee-line your courses (ie heavy sciences/math) and bypass "Guitar Lessons" if you want to. Even though in the end I didn't do the Aeronautical Engineer thing, I'm still in a technical field, which at least pays the bills.

And don't get me started on the aversion our education system has to training for the trades... :rolleyes:

I can see offering the courses, but "mandatory"? sheesh

DON'T GET ME STARTED on the value of trades! Not sure if we have already but you and I have to meet, so much in common. Why not sign up for the camping trip?

Ford F 150 Commercial - OAC_Sparky - 03-26-2006

2001 ZTS,Mar 25 2006, 09:33 PM Wrote:DON'T GET ME STARTED on the value of trades! Not sure if we have already but you and I have to meet, so much in common. Why not sign up for the camping trip?
I'll have to check out the possibility.

Ford F 150 Commercial - ANTHONYD - 03-26-2006

2001 ZTS,Mar 25 2006, 07:29 PM Wrote:I could lift that semi with my own two hands..............

I was on that shoot.

My friend Darrin is the Art Director on the Ford account at Y&R.

A huge block and takle was used. The only post work done to that spot was the semi was swinging a little, so they steadied it usinf FX.

...........if I had a lever big enough and a place to stand. It's called mechanical advantage. Seeing as the truck drove quite a few feet and the semi was only lifted about ten that tells me a block and tackle was used.

Ford F 150 Commercial - laidman - 03-27-2006

It was nice to see that FOrd is trying new ways to get people to buy the Trucks, if they only made it a little cheaper for the regular working class guy to afford it without taking out a second mortgage on the house.

Ford F 150 Commercial - meford4u - 03-27-2006

laidman,Mar 26 2006, 09:15 AM Wrote:It was nice to see that FOrd is trying new ways to get people to buy the Trucks, if they only made it a little cheaper for the regular working class guy to afford it without taking out a second mortgage on the house.
no kidding. I laughed at one of the guys at work when he told me he just spent $57k on one. That's not a working truck. That's a toy.

Ford F 150 Commercial - OAC_Sparky - 03-27-2006

I remember when I first started at the Truck Plant in '92 you could buy a truck for $16G, in '93 they had the "Enforcer Package" with a straight 6 and zero options for like $13G.

The first time I saw a 4-door supercrew the price was $30G, I thought "Who in their right mind would pay $30G for a truck?"

Damn, ya can't look at a truck less than 30G now...