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What To Do With The Leafs - oldeguy - 04-09-2007

Okay, here's what I think should be done: :( :blink:

1) Give the General Manager total autonomy, for the hockey team.
2) Give the current General Manager a new job, on some other team
3) Give Kubina a new number and sweater, on the Marlies
4) Give Macabe a summer job, learning how to play DEFENCE
5) Give Kaberle more money, he deserves it
6) Give Andropov the door.
7) Give Sundin a new position, winger for Stajan and Steen and a new contract
8) Give the younger players on the team more time to learn, including Raycroft
9) Give Tucker the C
10) Give the coach some players who can shoot the puck on net, and in the net.
11) Give the fans a 41% discount on all food and resfreshments, and Team
Paraphenalia, and a 1% dicount each year thereafter until the Cup is won.

I watched the Leafs win the Stanley Cup, waaaaaaaayyyyyy back, and I'm getting a little impatient. But, hey, at least I'm not a Blackhawks fan. :lol:

What To Do With The Leafs - 02_svt_guy - 04-10-2007


What To Do With The Leafs - Frost__2001 - 04-10-2007

who cares what they do, I mean really the TML's are one of the top grossing team out there for products, Tickets & merchandizing, not to mention for ad campains, so regardless of how they play near the end, so long as they get into the finals like they do, and blow it at the end like they always do, They have made their money.

Reality is that public & fans will never be the wiser to that fact, and keep buying into the "they'll do it next year" & what fan has never said this one "leaf's all the way" or "Go Leafs Go". A theory I heard is, that they don't have to win the Stanley Cup ever again, so long as they remain the in the top grossing teams on the NHL.

What To Do With The Leafs - SVT ZX3 - 04-10-2007

Quote:4) Give Macabe a summer job, learning how to play DEFENCE

I thought I heard that Macabe was the highest paid player on the team? Or was it their highest paid defenceman? Either way its sad......

What To Do With The Leafs - OAC_Sparky - 04-10-2007

Frost__2001,Apr 9 2007, 09:41 AM Wrote:Reality is that public & fans will never be the wiser to that fact, and keep buying into the "they'll do it next year" & what fan has never said this one "leaf's all the way" or "Go Leafs Go". A theory I heard is, that they don't have to win the Stanley Cup ever again, so long as they remain the in the top grossing teams on the NHL.
That about covers it.

What To Do With The Leafs - oldeguy - 04-10-2007

13) Give the ACC a new look at Leaf games......empty seats, poor ticket sales

What To Do With The Leafs - NOS2Go4Me - 04-10-2007

Frost__2001,Apr 9 2007, 10:41 AM Wrote:who cares what they do, I mean really the TML's are one of the top grossing team out there for products, Tickets & merchandizing, not to mention for ad campains, so regardless of how they play near the end, so long as they get into the finals like they do, and blow it at the end like they always do, They have made their money.

Reality is that public & fans will never be the wiser to that fact, and keep buying into the "they'll do it next year" & what fan has never said this one "leaf's all the way" or "Go Leafs Go". A theory I heard is, that they don't have to win the Stanley Cup ever again, so long as they remain the in the top grossing teams on the NHL.

What about all the good they do in the community? All of that trickles down you know. Lower leagues emulate what they see, and even so far as in the NOJHL where the North Bay Skyhawks bring healthy snacks to the schools for kids to teach them about healthy eating. They're not forced to, they CHOOSE to.

People do this by CHOICE. They CHOOSE to spend all that cash themselves. Just like we mod cars to crazy levels, they follow their teams. Heck, most of the major seats at the ACC are purchased by companies and not individuals.

A part of me will always be dyed "blue". That's not going to change. What needs to stop is the bitching by folks who really don't care and who really don't seem to be the ones spending the massive amounts of money.

f***. Enough is enough. The Leafs lost, the Habs lost, the Ottawa Subsidies are doomed and the only guys with half a chance are the Flames and the Canucks.

What To Do With The Leafs - OAC_Sparky - 04-10-2007

NOS2Go4Me,Apr 9 2007, 10:44 AM Wrote:
Frost__2001,Apr 9 2007, 10:41 AM Wrote:who cares what they do, I mean really the TML's are one of the top grossing team out there for products, Tickets & merchandizing, not to mention for ad campains, so regardless of how they play near the end, so long as they get into the finals like they do, and blow it at the end like they always do, They have made their money.

Reality is that public & fans will never be the wiser to that fact, and keep buying into the "they'll do it next year" & what fan has never said this one "leaf's all the way" or "Go Leafs Go". A theory I heard is, that they don't have to win the Stanley Cup ever again, so long as they remain the in the top grossing teams on the NHL.

What about all the good they do in the community? All of that trickles down you know. Lower leagues emulate what they see, and even so far as in the NOJHL where the North Bay Skyhawks bring healthy snacks to the schools for kids to teach them about healthy eating. They're not forced to, they CHOOSE to.

People do this by CHOICE. They CHOOSE to spend all that cash themselves. Just like we mod cars to crazy levels, they follow their teams. Heck, most of the major seats at the ACC are purchased by companies and not individuals.

A part of me will always be dyed "blue". That's not going to change. What needs to stop is the bitching by folks who really don't care and who really don't seem to be the ones spending the massive amounts of money.

f***. Enough is enough. The Leafs lost, the Habs lost, the Ottawa Subsidies are doomed and the only guys with half a chance are the Flames and the Canucks.

NOS, I can understand that you are a fan, but you have to look at it as a realist.

I've been a Wings fan since like...forever. Even back when the Wings sucked (literally, not just because you didn't like them) back in the 1970s. Back when they were playing at the old Olympia Arena.

Now how did they go from the basement to consistantly winning President's Trophies to winning 3 Stanley Cups in the last decade?

Well, late in the 70s, people stopped going. They stopped buying Red Wings stuff. One of the oldest Original Six teams was weeks away from going bankrupt.

Fans voted with their wallets, new management had no choice picked up the pieces and decided if things were to get better, they're have to make an honest effort. In came Yzerman, Federov was sprung from the USSR and the rest was history.

Unfortunately, it's a bitter pill; but if your wife serves you s*** sandwiches night after night and all you do is smile and rave about how great they are and that tomorrow they will taste even better, she'll never serve you anything different than more s*** sandwiches.

Toronto has the biggest exclusive market in the NHL. Jeez, you don't think the Rangers, Islanders and Devils don't wish for that kind of exclusivity? Coast to coast monopoly on the national TV network? Merchandising?

82 games, a possible 164 points. And Leaf fans are watching an Islanders game instead of eating Easter dinner, hoping that the Islanders will lose so that they can squeek in the back door. Leaf fans deserve better. But they won't get it until they send the message...

What To Do With The Leafs - oldeguy - 04-10-2007

I agree with OAC Sparky. Unless the Leafs start seeing empty seats and less profits, it won't matter. I work in a place where part of the ownership team for the Leafs is in my workplace. And trust me, money is the main thing, doesn't matter about the end product, just make a good profit. So, after saying that, when my teacher friend offers three games to me, I'm going to say no.

What To Do With The Leafs - PDW - 04-10-2007

NOS2Go4Me,Apr 9 2007, 03:44 PM Wrote:the Ottawa Subsidies are doomed and the only guys with half a chance are the Flames and the Canucks.
Does someone have playoff envy ?

What To Do With The Leafs - 02ztsian - 04-10-2007

1. Cut Mats loose. We need a captain willing to give up blood for the team (ala Gilmore). Give the "C" to Tucker.
2. Sign Kaberle to a long term deal.
3. Trade Kubina and either Antropov or Ponikarovsky to Boston for Marc Savard, or at least trade for a top 10 points center.
4. Patience with the young players.
5. John Ferguson getting the door.
6. Needs more cowbell!

What To Do With The Leafs - ANTHONYD - 04-10-2007

Give the C to Tucker? Are you serious?

No one in league takes the guy seriously....Including the refs.
People who whine about calls and cause s*** don't become Captains. I'll agree he has heart, he's just not the most "proffesional" guy out there. Teams use people with professional qualities as their captain, not a bitching, whining, grunt who argues everything called.

Tucker is a PERFECT example of a player every team HATES playing against, but wouldn;t turn down the oppertunity to have him on their team.

JFJ needs to be walked out today!
Cut Mats loose. (For his sake) he's a GREAT player who has pissed his whole career away here in T.O. and has NOTHING to show for it. My heart breaks just thinking about him.

As for people leaving the ACC empty....I will NEVER happen. The Leaf games are corporate gatherings, not a pleace to cheer your team.

Unfortunately, the Leafs will never know what it's like to have their fan base turn their backs on them.

It's unfortunate, but true.

What To Do With The Leafs - NOS2Go4Me - 04-10-2007

My point is that I haven't been to a Leafs game since they closed the Gardens. I swore on Saturday that if they lost to the Habs, I'd never go to a game next season. Now I'll allow it, but only if I get good enough seats.

Just like I support the troops but I don't approve of Afghanistan, I can enjoy being a Leafs fan without having to pay a dime more than my cable bill. I really don't care about their profitability, their marketing or any of that other s***. We want the team rebuilt. I've said it time and again. I'm speaking as a true fan, not a corporate drone with box seats nor a raving lunatic that whores out their cat for nosebleed seats.

I really don't care about the record of the Wings to be honest, although I always admired Stevie Y. I figure if they s***can Maurice and Ferguson, the rest falls into place.

I don't see what being a lifelong "fan" has to do with the demise of the team. I loved it when they were "contenders" - Dougie, Wendell, a really hauling-ass Mats. I was beside myself with joy when one of my idols (Mike Gartner) played for them. I think my parents thought I was going to explode.

We love what's good, we hate what's bad and we despise the truly pontless, but at the end of the day the Leafs sure as hell can't blame the real fans for their downfall, nor can the fans blame themselves. That's just sheer and utter lunacy. If anything, we should burn a few Bay St. CEOs at the stake. Maybe a proper offering would appease the hockey gods.

What To Do With The Leafs - torradan - 04-10-2007

Ok everyone knows I hate the Leafs with a passion, but here are my thoughts:

No C for Tucker. As much as I hate the guy, I don't think he has what it takes. He is a very good player and plays his heart out, but it ends there.

Anthony is right on the money -- I hate it when the Sabres play against him, but I'd love to see him with a slug on his chest.

Ditch JFJ yesterday.

Trade Sundin, Kubina, Antropov, Ponakorovsky, and Raycroft. And possibly a couple of others I can't think of now. They're wasting space, money, and talent. Maybe they need a change of pace, new linemates, new strategies, whatever. Like the AHL for Raycroft.

Put Aubin in as starter, and pick up a new backup goalie.

Give me Paul Maurice's glasses. I like them.

Last I looked, like 90% of their contracts are up. Maybe its time to start fresh.

It really is a shame that the ACC is out of reach for most people. I could never find myself dumping a paycheck on a pair of tickets.

GO SABRES! :ninja:

What To Do With The Leafs - NefCanuck - 04-10-2007

Y'know, I could get all philosophical about what's happened... but frankly after having to eat crow for the second year in a row at my chiropractor today when the Leafs yet again failed to take their playoff destiny in their own hands I'm saying piss on it...

1) JFJ has to get the gas... in two years he's taken this team and done exactly jack and squat with them... I would say that they are almost in a worse position than when he took over, the salary cap acting as a gigantic millstone on this team... while there are some signs of young talent there, too many of the players seem to think that wearing the Maple Leafs sweater is the perfect excuse to do nothing after getting their big payday (Hello Bryan "Turnover King" McCabe)

2) Mats Sundin - In my heart I want him to stay a Leaf and retire as one, but frankly Mats deserves better than a rebuilding project, which is all the Leafs are going to be for the next few years thanks to stupid signings by management <_< If Mats is comfortable taking less than the going rate so that we can use the saved coin to shore up our other areas of weakness, I'd sign him in a heartbeat... otherwise we'll have to let him walk...

3) Leafs D - Aside from Kaberle (and McCabe when he is motivated) the Leafs defense core is weak... Hal Gill, big and strong but as slow as I am... between he & Pavel "Oops He Did It Again" Kubina, I don't know which of them I would jettison first...

4) Andrew Raycroft - Another spectacular signing by JFJ :rolleyes: what the Leafs need to do is get a backup that can actually teach him something (Like maybe not to make boneheaded plays with shooters firing at him from the blue line <_<)

I think I'll stop here... I can feel my anger rising again :angry:


What To Do With The Leafs - oldeguy - 04-10-2007

Peca and Tucker are the same type of player, but, Peca has more class. Giving Tucker the C, maybe not yet, but I think that Tucker has matured, so, maybe not next year, but soon.

Bottom line, with all the booing that the higher ups hear, it won't matter unless the booing turns to the silence of empty seats.

My pick for the Cup? The guys down the QEW.

What To Do With The Leafs - laidman - 04-10-2007

Umm how about giving Raycroft a raise for putting up with such a horibble defence all year.

OUt of your list I say....#9 give Tucker the C, Sundin has done nothing with it

What To Do With The Leafs - ANTHONYD - 04-10-2007

I forgot to add.

Raycroft IS NOT THE ANSWER!!!!

I think they were hoping to get Belfour (who was arrested lastnight by the way) perfomances out of him.

Razor isn't used to playing in such a fishbowl like atmosphere. Toronto is by far the toughest city to play in. If you crack under pressure and are able to read the papers, this is NOT the place for you.

I still think thew reason Dougie Gilmour was so successful was because he REFUSED to read the papers.

What To Do With The Leafs - oldeguy - 04-10-2007

ANTHONYD,Apr 9 2007, 07:30 PM Wrote:I forgot to add.

Raycroft IS NOT THE ANSWER!!!!

I think they were hoping to get Belfour (who was arrested lastnight by the way) perfomances out of him.

Razor isn't used to playing in such a fishbowl like atmosphere. Toronto is by far the toughest city to play in. If you crack under pressure and are able to read the papers, this is NOT the place for you.

I still think thew reason Dougie Gilmour was so successful was because he REFUSED to read the papers.
I'm thinkin' that Raycroft is still, for an NHL goalie fairly young, this was his third season, so maybe we should give him another year or two? and a better defence

Tucker probably can't read.......................sorry, couldn't resist

What To Do With The Leafs - PDW - 04-10-2007

not a leafs fan, I dont even like them at all.. but I can still chime in i suppose..
thank god someone mentioned hal gill... what the many turnovers that lead to goals does one guy have to make before getting sent away... i swear, everytime I've seen a leafs game Re was responsible for a goal or two.. just brutal...
as much as I hate roberts (on any team but my own) toronto was a better team with him. it kinda went downhill after he left..good pickup for pittsburgh though