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Ont. Smoking Law Will Hurt Businesses - Frost__2001 - 05-25-2006

Ont. smoking law will hurt businesses, critics say News Staff

Smokers' rights advocates say 1,000 businesses will go bankrupt and thousands of people will lose their jobs as a result of Ontario's new anti-smoking legislation, set to take effect in a week.

"At least 4,000 businesses will be impacted," Edgar Mitchell, of the Pub and Bar Coalition of Canada, said at a news conference in Toronto Wednesday.

"Possibly 2,000 will have severe difficulties and as many as 1,000 will be forced out of business. Yes, some pubs and bars can adapt, but it's a damned hard road."

Mitchell said he lost not only $1 million but also his pub to recent changes to the province's anti-smoking laws.

On June 1, the Smoke-Free Ontario Act bans smoking in enclosed public spaces and all workplaces, including bars, restaurants, casinos and bingo halls. The legislation is one of the toughest in North America.

Nancy Daigneault, president of, a website that stands up for smokers' rights, said the legislation goes too far.

"In Ontario, biker gangs and even swingers now can have their own private clubs, but heaven forbid law-abiding smokers should be allowed to have anywhere that they can go to associate," she said.

Daigneault said there needs to be a reasonable middle ground that allows smokers their right to use a legal product.

Operators of casinos and bingo halls in the border city of Windsor have reported backlash from American tourists who promise they will stop crossing the border if they are not allowed to smoke inside the facilities.

By June 2008, the legislation demands retailers remove their so-called cigarette 'power walls' and replace them with a new display that puts them out of sight from minors.

Provincial politicians and health officials say the smoking laws will lower the health-care costs associated with diseases linked to cigarettes, prevent young people from taking up smoking and help smokers quit.

A recent survey found 96 per cent of Ontario residents support smoking restrictions, and 67 per cent felt the laws put increased pressure on smokers to quit.

Heather Crowe, the long-time waitress who contracted lung cancer after decades of exposure to second-hand smoke at work, died this week at the age of 61.

The non-smoker became the face for Canada's anti-smoking movement, sharing her story in television ads for Health Canada.

Crowe was diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer in 2002. She learned last August she was losing her battle with the disease.

Crowe was the first person to win a claim filed with the Ontario Workers Safety and Insurance Board for full compensation for lung cancer caused by occupational exposure to cigarette smoke.

Earlier this month, Ontario Health Promotion Minister Jim Watson announced an additional $5.5 million for public health units to help pay for the enforcement of the blanket ban.

The money will pay for more than 100 enforcement officers.

Watson said even though 80 per cent of Ontario residents don't smoke, tobacco-related diseases kill 44 people in the province every day, making it the number one preventable cause of death.

Tobacco consumption rates in Ontario have dropped almost 10 per cent in the past year.

With the new legislation, the government hopes to cut the number of smokers by 20 per cent in 2007.

With a report from CTV's Paul Bliss and files from The Canadian Press

Ont. Smoking Law Will Hurt Businesses - darkpuppet - 05-25-2006

smokers rights advocates should start looking for a new job... and start making productive use of their time.

There's something wrong if you're business is around only because of smokers, and they should learn to diversify rather than complain.

Ont. Smoking Law Will Hurt Businesses - NOS2Go4Me - 05-25-2006

Booo hoo. It's now proven in the courts, and it's about time that those who don't wish to poison themselves have a leg to stand on.

Ont. Smoking Law Will Hurt Businesses - Euro Ford Fan - 05-25-2006

Who cares a few people loose their jobs so what. The cost of retraining them will still be billions less than the cost of the heath care system taking care of these morons who want to poison themselves.

Want to smoke, then forfeit your health coverage.

Ont. Smoking Law Will Hurt Businesses - nass - 05-25-2006

I assume none of us are smokers :) I am not and I don't care about these new laws. With something that is as bad as smoking it shouldn't be allowed anywhere. I was in Montreal this weekend and they smoke everywhere there, the next morning shower was gross damn!

Ont. Smoking Law Will Hurt Businesses - FociPhil - 05-25-2006

Smoking is for fags!

Ont. Smoking Law Will Hurt Businesses - meford4u - 05-25-2006

FociPhil,May 24 2006, 06:27 PM Wrote:Smoking is for fags!
do you smoke?

Ont. Smoking Law Will Hurt Businesses - nass - 05-25-2006

[Image: iseewhat3ag0dx.jpg]

Ont. Smoking Law Will Hurt Businesses - habmann - 05-25-2006

I think this is about as far as anti-smoking laws should go.

Hamilton has been smoke free for some time now and i don't think i've read about any businesses that have gone out of business because of it. I don't know why smokers think that they should have the right to poison me by sitting in the same room as me and smoking.

Ont. Smoking Law Will Hurt Businesses - nass - 05-25-2006

habmann,May 25 2006, 02:59 AM Wrote:I think this is about as far as anti-smoking laws should go.

Hamilton has been smoke free for some time now and i don't think i've read about any businesses that have gone out of business because of it. I don't know why smokers think that they should have the right to poison me by sitting in the same room as me and smoking.

When they passed the smoking ban here in Waterloo region a bunch of places shut down and blamed it. I think it was just an excuse to close shop... those places weren't busy or popular before.

Ont. Smoking Law Will Hurt Businesses - SangriaRedZX5 - 05-25-2006

darkpuppet,May 24 2006, 03:07 PM Wrote:smokers rights advocates should start looking for a new job... and start making productive use of their time.

There's something wrong if you're business is around only because of smokers, and they should learn to diversify rather than complain.

Well put and completely agree.

Ont. Smoking Law Will Hurt Businesses - Oscar The Grouch - 05-25-2006

meford4u,May 24 2006, 06:37 PM Wrote:
FociPhil,May 24 2006, 06:27 PM Wrote:Smoking is for fags!
do you smoke?

*Insert smoking pole comment here.*

Ont. Smoking Law Will Hurt Businesses - ANTHONYD - 05-25-2006

It's move in the right direction.

Smokers seem to think it;s alright to blow smoke around in places where there are masses of people. The Go Train platforms for example. I wish I had a dollar for every ass-hat I've seen light up in a group of people waiting for the train.... Can you not wait another hour until you get to your destination?

I actually had a smoker ask me to hold her place in line while she went for a dart.....I told her she could wait. Man was she pissed. :rolleyes:

It's about time smokers were forced to kill themselves alone and not subject non-smokers to it. I used to smoke, thought it was gross then, and still think it;s gross now.

Ont. Smoking Law Will Hurt Businesses - mo_focus - 05-26-2006

so i guess the FOCUS meets will be smoke free from now on.

I cant wait to be able to sit on padio and not worry about some ass smoking right next to me while i'm trying to eat and enjoy the outdoors.

Ont. Smoking Law Will Hurt Businesses - Frost__2001 - 05-29-2006

mo_focus,May 25 2006, 07:00 PM Wrote:so i guess the FOCUS meets will be smoke free from now on.

I cant wait to be able to sit on padio and not worry about some ass smoking right next to me while i'm trying to eat and enjoy the outdoors.

I totally agree with that

Ont. Smoking Law Will Hurt Businesses - guilty - 05-29-2006

They did this in Regina last year, all the bar owners were scared of going out of business and all the smokers were pissed off that they cant smoke inside anymore. Then a couple months passed and everyone was used to it and now nobody cares.

Another big part of the smoking ban should include smoking within a specified distance from entrance doors of buildings.. There's nothing worse than having to hold your breath as you try to enter/exit a building because all the smokers are right outside the door.

Ont. Smoking Law Will Hurt Businesses - microbunny - 05-29-2006


i guess I am like the only smoker on this board...

I guess I am different than most smokers as I only smoke at work and always outside. I've quit many time and only started again recently after almost a year...It's bloody hard but, I've always been considerate of those around me...ALWAYS!

I'm going to quit again...this summer...I swear.... :ph34r:


I'm all for the BAN...good show! Smoking sucks, it does kill people, cancer sucks, and smelling like s*** is a bummer...

trust me..I know!

Ont. Smoking Law Will Hurt Businesses - meford4u - 05-29-2006

I've never noticed you smoking Bunny. Atleast not cigarettes.

Ont. Smoking Law Will Hurt Businesses - nass - 05-29-2006

microbunny,May 28 2006, 07:32 PM Wrote:Well,

i guess I am like the only smoker on this board...

I guess I am different than most smokers as I only smoke at work and always outside. I've quit many time and only started again recently after almost a year...It's bloody hard but, I've always been considerate of those around me...ALWAYS!

I'm going to quit again...this summer...I swear.... :ph34r:


I'm all for the BAN...good show! Smoking sucks, it does kill people, cancer sucks, and smelling like s*** is a bummer...

trust me..I know!

you'd figure those reasons would be enough for you to quit :)

Hell if something is killing me everytime I use it that's enough reason to quit. I still think the mandatory 1 exploding cigarette in each pack would make people stop smoking :)

Ont. Smoking Law Will Hurt Businesses - ZX3TUNR - 05-30-2006

ya they had that law here for a while now. Big fit going on and it didnt hurt people as bad as every one thought.