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Having A Baby. - Printable Version

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Having A Baby. - NefCanuck - 08-18-2005

Slimsride,Aug 17 2005, 01:06 PM Wrote:
microbunny,Aug 17 2005, 10:50 AM Wrote:
NefCanuck,Aug 17 2005, 11:51 AM Wrote:Cute little bugger, what's he staring at? 'cause it sure ain't the camera! :lol:

Mommas titties??

Yeah, i think...but so was I....Ahhh, like father like son....

:rofl: You know if by some miracle this information survives until your kid is old enough to find it on the internet himself, you've just given him a free pass for perverted behaviour if he ever gets caught "But you admitted on a message boardyou stare at women's breasts too"


Having A Baby. - Slimsride - 08-18-2005

Well, that's just it. I was oogling his mothers "breasts", which is totally acceptable, however if i was groping, fondling, or even swinging off the nurses breasts, that would be a whole new ball game wouldn't it?