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Champion Autosports - Printable Version

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RE: Champion Autosports - MuskokaZX3 - 03-07-2011

Hey gab, just wondering what you have for an 01... Have an 01 sedan that I'm gonna be fixin up over the summer and wanna price out some stuff... Need full frpp suspension and want to get my engine checked out... Seals and gaskets and such... Also gonna be picking up svt front and rear bumper and need to find some side skirts than a new paint job... Any ideas??

RE: Champion Autosports - Gabriel - 03-08-2011

I've sent you a PM

RE: Champion Autosports - MuskokaZX3 - 05-02-2011

Gab, your pms are full won't let me send ne more!! Delete a few... But my cars an 07 zx4 st 2.3l.


RE: Champion Autosports - Gabriel - 05-03-2011

I will , didn't get back to you yet because I had a busy day today . I'll take care of it tomorrow .

(05-02-2011, 11:16 PM)MuskokaZX3 Wrote: Gab, your pms are full won't let me send ne more!! Delete a few... But my cars an 07 zx4 st 2.3l.


RE: Champion Autosports - ZTWsquared - 05-03-2011

(05-03-2011, 11:37 AM)Gabriel Wrote: I will , didn't get back to you yet because I had a busy day today . I'll take care of it tomorrow .

(05-02-2011, 11:16 PM)MuskokaZX3 Wrote: Gab, your pms are full won't let me send ne more!! Delete a few... But my cars an 07 zx4 st 2.3l.


Hey Gabe ... remember that deleting PMs is a two-step process ... you have to first delete them out of the inbox / outbox etc ... then you have to go back again and delete them from the deleted items box.