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New Build! - Printable Version

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RE: New Build! - Scorcher000 - 02-01-2014

I chase and some times I get lol. And please not a girl like that one again lol

(02-01-2014, 04:17 AM)GFXjamie Wrote: Always chasing... Maybe we will find you a nice girl at the gas station again in Carlisle lol

RE: New Build! - torradan - 02-01-2014

Looking good! I'm glad she's getting the much needed attention and makeover I was unable to give her.

RE: New Build! - stupica1 - 03-31-2014

Update time! Its been a busy winter and is going to be an ever more busy spring.

First off is new wheels thanks to GFXjamie. Some 16x7.5 tsw with falken 205/40/r16s. a perfect pair.

[Image: 20140301_161522_zpsd6aff4fd.jpg]

Secondly is the battery relocated to the trunk, clean up the engine bay a little.

[Image: 20140127_203245_zpsfkpfiewd.jpg]

a prepped SAP rear bumper, diffuser removed and everything sanded down ready to go black!

[Image: 20140121_204933_zpsbc7db6cd.jpg]

I stored the car out back in one of those car tent things and we got a lot more snow than I thought we would have this winter, so to get it out meant it was time to shovel...and shovel...then shovel some more!
[Image: 20140314_192845_zpsb2ff6062.jpg]
[Image: 20140315_212348_zps8dfaf34e.jpg]

here's the car on the road for the first time this spring with the coils as low as theyll go with the rear adjusters and front helper springs in.
[Image: 20140315_205440_zpsa279366b.jpg]

Now, again thanks to some help from GFXjamie we popped out those damn rear adjusters and helper springs to really slam the focus, also put on the front lip. here's the results
[Image: 20140330_171905_zps18185570.jpg]
[Image: 20140329_145259_zpsd952c4e6.jpg]
the rims sit ever so nice slammed with that .20 offset.
[Image: 20140330_181735_zps0b6db7e0.jpg]

ass end camber shot
[Image: 20140330_181818_zpsa4c659e8.jpg]

Thats it so far, Thanks to Scorcher that ran down to pittsburgh recently I just received my turbo kit which means all i need is some rear disc ebrake cables and a shifter housing to get my 5speed and turbo in and tuned! cannot wait. much more updates to come!

RE: New Build! - 2000zx3sct - 03-31-2014

Car is Lookin good man , dat ass ^

RE: New Build! - zx3kash - 03-31-2014


RE: New Build! - drunkinmonkey - 03-31-2014

looks good man.. glad the lip worked out for you!
cant wait to pick up another focus

RE: New Build! - ZX3_2NV - 03-31-2014

Car looks great

RE: New Build! - stupica1 - 05-21-2014

yay more updates! haha.

So I FINALLY got to upgrade my brakes to a nice SVT setup (thats a lie, rears are only advance track...woopie theyre still not drum brakes!). Took several trips back and forth to part source, GFXjamies shop, my parents house (where the car was stranded for a while) so on and so forth. Had some bad luck with popped my CV joint apart on the passenger side so that was just another lovely trip to part source to get a new one.

All in all I managed to get the following done!
- new passenger side axle
- all new wheel studs (not really needed but its a nice touch while i was there)
- new wheel bearings in the rear
- new rear disc setup
- new shiny ebrake cable for the discs
- new front SVT brakes
- fixed a broken exhaust....again. dem low life problems haha

Here's a pic of the car all jacked up on what should be jackstands...but a tile and some wood works just as well! (as seen in the second image)

[Image: 20140518_182340_zpsuacgvlqs.jpg][Image: 20140518_120150_zpsqbyr9kwp.jpg]

now the beautiful look of bigger brakes under a 16" inch rim

[Image: 20140520_174743_zpsclcsn2rp.jpg]

and now the backs

[Image: 20140520_174730_zpsqyhjky7x.jpg]

and all together now!
[Image: 20140520_174758_zpsu4fnnso9.jpg]

finally another quick small detail, instead of going HIDS (waiting to retrofit some projectors when i get the time) I decided to go with a xenon artic white headlight and a very yellow fog. simple yet looks good i think.

[Image: 20140520_175147_zpsldttmlpb.jpg]

thats it for now. Next up should be my SAP rear bumper (which just needs a clear coat), motor mounts...tranny, turbo, tune etc.

RE: New Build! - zx3kash - 05-21-2014

So nice!

RE: New Build! - SL8RZZX3 - 05-21-2014

Beautiful side profile!
With those wheels and stance it looks classy!

RE: New Build! - drunkinmonkey - 05-21-2014

looks good Brandon!!!

RE: New Build! - .2001.focus. - 05-22-2014

I agree, looking really good

RE: New Build! - stupica1 - 05-23-2014

Thanks guys. Lots of thanks also goes out to jamie for getting most of the stuff for the car lol just ordered sct advantage 3 pro racer software so we can get that turbo and trans put in finally.

RE: New Build! - drunkinmonkey - 05-23-2014

your welcome Big Grin

New Build! - GFXjamie - 05-23-2014

I never doubted myself when I found those wheels and knew they would look amazing. We will have this beast going in no time now

RE: New Build! - Stayfocused - 05-24-2014

This is an awesome car. Just curious as to where u got the front lip.
Big Grin

New Build! - GFXjamie - 05-24-2014

It's a mach1 front lip trimmed to fit.

RE: New Build! - Stayfocused - 05-25-2014

Ok awesome thanks

RE: New Build! - stupica1 - 05-25-2014

it takes some cutting to fit, and at certain angles it looks wavy, but I like it lol cant find any FSWERKS lips anywhere anymore. so its the best alternative lip out there. again thanks to jamie we got the lip on there with minimal effort haha lots of large self tappers, couple nuts and bolts and a sawzal. great times. haha

drunkinmonkey also has the same lip on his RS front bumper. he took a lot more time and effort to get his straight and fit nicely. check out his thread to see more pics.

RE: New Build! - Stayfocused - 05-25-2014

K thanks for thise tips. Right now I have a 92-95 eg civic kip on my focus doesnt look bad.
But your car is giving me inspiration. So keeo us posted especially on the auto to manual swap cuz I have an auto and not a fan of thatclol