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Gone! - Printable Version

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Gone! - naz - 03-20-2008

when the $$ are on the table though seems like most on here pony up for a ford branded product anyway, so all good..

i guess complaining is part of the profile of a loyal ford customer

Gone! - darkpuppet - 03-22-2008

naz,Mar 20 2008, 02:19 AM Wrote:when the $$ are on the table though seems like most on here pony up for a ford branded product anyway, so all good..

i guess complaining is part of the profile of a loyal ford customer

it's also a grand canadian winter tradition.

Gone! - meford4u - 03-22-2008

OAC_Sparky,Mar 19 2008, 09:41 PM Wrote:Ford. Whiners welcome.
And if you whine enough, we will give you a job!

Gone! - OAC_Sparky - 03-23-2008

meford4u,Mar 22 2008, 01:04 AM Wrote:And if you whine enough, we will give you a job!
I hope you are not implying that your lovely wife is a whiner.



Gone! - euro_zx5 - 03-23-2008

meford4u,Mar 22 2008, 01:04 AM Wrote:
OAC_Sparky,Mar 19 2008, 09:41 PM Wrote:Ford. Whiners welcome.
And if you whine enough, we will give you a job!

Sign me up then damnit! Even in parts...

And yeah, I don't like the new slogan either. Driven by you is growing on me... but drive one?! Depends who they have say the slogan, if it sounds similar to a bold moves ad, then maybe it could work. And Ford's commercials are getting better, so maybe they'll pull off the new slogan.

Gone! - naz - 03-24-2008

when i say that new slogan it reminded me of 'driving is believing' that "another" car company used

[Image: B14892-2.jpg]

Gone! - Frost__2001 - 03-24-2008

if Ford wanted too they could go back with the retro stuff a lot of companys are doing (ie. the return of the maytag man for example) and use some of thair older tag lines liek Quality is job one (since their recent quality has been going up over the last few years and is near to toyota now according to JDpower) or Have you driven a ford lately?

Gone! - NefCanuck - 03-24-2008

OAC_Sparky,Mar 22 2008, 10:27 AM Wrote:
meford4u,Mar 22 2008, 01:04 AM Wrote:And if you whine enough, we will give you a job!
I hope you are not inferring that your lovely wife is a whiner.



ZING! :lol: :ph34r:

Ford: Our employees can bet up your employees :D


Gone! - mister_bin - 03-24-2008

Ford -> Ribbed For Her Pleasure

I mean if there gonna use stupid slogans may as well make it funny...

Ford try One.... Thats something the taste test lady says to you at the grocery store...