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Racing Is Dangerous! - Flofocus - 10-04-2006

DD1,Oct 2 2006, 10:37 PM Wrote:u guys need to learn abit before opening your mouths she had to take tests to go that fast you jsut dont show up and say here I am. Dumbass
my 18 year bro has his liscence to go 7.50 she has had her ticket since she was 16 . It is really sad when a young women dies and all you guys can say is thats a women for ya. give me a f***ing break. IT was her time who cares if it was in a jet power dragster or a "slocus" on the freeway. It is sad and there are ppl out there who are going to miss her.

Grow up

there are a few ppl on this board that if I ever saw you I would probly punch you in the face


Racing Is Dangerous! - NOS2Go4Me - 10-04-2006

DD1,Oct 2 2006, 10:37 PM Wrote:u guys need to learn abit before opening your mouths she had to take tests to go that fast you jsut dont show up and say here I am. Dumbass
my 18 year bro has his liscence to go 7.50 she has had her ticket since she was 16 . It is really sad when a young women dies and all you guys can say is thats a women for ya. give me a f***ing break. IT was her time who cares if it was in a jet power dragster or a "slocus" on the freeway. It is sad and there are ppl out there who are going to miss her.

Grow up

there are a few ppl on this board that if I ever saw you I would probly punch you in the face

And s*** like this, threatening folks (albeit indirectly) is why we wonder why an ex-Focus driver like you is still here. Your bravado isn't impressing anyone, and yes I'm "jumping to conclusions" and assuming you're directing it to me.

So stuff your attitude and stuff your Slocus comments right up your e-thug ass.

I wouldn't even attempt to let you get close enough to hit me, nevermind fight back. I'd have your ass in jail so fast it wouldn't be funny.

Racing Is Dangerous! - DD1 - 10-04-2006

wow someone thinks highy of themselves I never mention your name or that it was you since there was atleast 3 postings that were not of the caring nature so why would I care about a lumberjack like yourself

Racing Is Dangerous! - ZTWsquared - 10-04-2006

DD1,Oct 2 2006, 10:37 PM Wrote:Grow up

there are a few ppl on this board that if I ever saw you I would probly punch you in the face
This ^^ is kind of ironic, don't you think?

Anyone who puts themselves into a 500kph jet car is taking a huge risk that they won't survive a crash -- that it doesn't happen more often is testament to the crash-worthiness of the vehicles and the skill of the drivers.

No doubt she had bigger stones than any of us here and she died doing what she loved - tragic yes, but probably what she would have wanted as a way to go.

Nonetheless ... there are lots of pro drag racers out there with tons more experience than this girl who would not have taken on that car, so IMO it is an honest question to wonder if she and her advisors made a mistake.

I'm not sure why you are taking such offense at some of the opinions that are different than yours, but in any event everyone here the right to have an opinion, and I think you're out of line threatening those who don't happen to agree with you.

Racing Is Dangerous! - Flofocus - 10-04-2006

this site is better than watching days of our lives.

love it.

Racing Is Dangerous! - ANTHONYD - 10-04-2006


Racing Is Dangerous! - NikiterZTS - 10-04-2006

^^ Flo i def support u on that....

love to read these s***

Racing Is Dangerous! - ZX5focused - 10-04-2006

thrats of bodily harm were a lil much, but being somewhat personally affected by this, i didnt appreciate some of the first comments. i kept it to myself cause i know the were made in the sense of humour. either way there is really no need for this drama

Racing Is Dangerous! - NOS2Go4Me - 10-04-2006

DD1,Oct 3 2006, 12:12 PM Wrote:wow someone thinks highy of themselves I never mention your name or that it was you since there was atleast 3 postings that were not of the caring nature so why would I care about a lumberjack like yourself

Well, when you're immature enough to have your location set to "Not North Bay", I felt privileged.

A lumberjack, right. Good call :rolleyes: Elevator repairmen are obviously such great judges of profession.

Racing Is Dangerous! - hardk0re - 10-04-2006

It is a sad situation regardless of how it happened, I appologize for my comments perhaps made in poor taste at the time.

Racing Is Dangerous! - BerinG - 10-04-2006

if this would've happened in texas, no one would mind..

s*** happens.. im sorry to the family and friends its an horrible tragedy.. no one wishes this on anyone.. but that is something to expect when driving a vehicules this fast... consider this, the land speed record is like 1220km/h over a 1mile distance.. if she did the full 1/4mile, its a 1/4 of the distance and still getting up to 500km/h.. thats retarded.. you cannot expect anything less..