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Yellow Fish Road - mo_focus - 05-12-2006

Slimsride,May 11 2006, 09:55 PM Wrote:i'm not putting simple green on my car......

we use that on our jets for christs sakes......enough of it and you'll strip the paint off of it...

haha, now that you mention it, I had the simple green spray and it wiped my rear licence plate.

Well I have like 3 jugs of that stuff and i got it on sale. So i have to finish them until i can buy new stuff.

Free carwash at my house :)

only on ODD days of the calender between the hours of 6 to 9pm :)

Yellow Fish Road - Oscar The Grouch - 05-12-2006

Slimsride,May 11 2006, 05:55 PM Wrote:i'm not putting simple green on my car......

we use that on our jets for christs sakes......enough of it and you'll strip the paint off of it...

Cool. Gotta get me some of that stuff. :icon_mrgreen:

Yellow Fish Road - schade - 05-12-2006

ANTHONYD,May 11 2006, 12:21 PM Wrote:Here's the kicker fellas.

The government tosses millions of tons of salt on the streets every winter....Every spring my grass dies due to it. What do I do??? I mix up a chrynobyl like substance of chemicals and spread liberally on my lawn.

Thus being drained back into the environment. Again, a no win situation. We're all guilty.


using a liberal amount of chemical on your lawn (granular or liquid) is never a good thing, for your lawn or the environment. But if you us the products at the suggested rates and intervals then they do no harm what's so ever ... the water actually ends up cleaner when it cycles through your lawn and back into the drains

i come from a turf maintaince (golf) background and this is what i studied in school ... so i have lots of experience with this topic.

liberally applying chemicals to your lawn is also why MANY municapalities have baned the use of such chemicals

but that's a whole other topic

soon enough every house well come with there own water treatment plant that well have all the water that passes through your house (comming and going) sent through it .. is it overkill? Yes very much so, but so are many of the arguements/bans that the goverment is trying to enforce

and guelph has got to be the worst city i know of for water bans. As soon as the weather reaches 15° the implement a water ban, you'd think they were located in the middle of a desert

Yellow Fish Road - P-51 - 05-12-2006

You know... back where I grew up, when people were allowed to own an acre of land... this wasn't an issue. There was no storm drain system. The rain just drained off... wait for it... into the soil. CAUSE THE WHOLE GODAMN PLACE WASN'T PAVED OVER!!!

That's the problem. These high density developments mean better than 50% of the surface area is impermiable. Thus requiring storm sewers, which drain into the lake.

Dog poo hurting the fish. Give me a f***ing break. Mammals have been s***ting on land since the dawn of time.

This leads directly back to the high density/urban sprawl/real estate prices thing.

Maybe the solution is we should stop growing. If human activity is so bad for the planet... why not stop trying to increase the population?