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Your Insurance - scoobasteve - 01-20-2006

For my svt. with the JRSC... cheapest i could find was 9100 a year

Your Insurance - SVT ZX3 - 01-20-2006

scoobasteve,Jan 19 2006, 02:33 PM Wrote:For my svt. with the JRSC... cheapest i could find was 9100 a year
:wtf: :thumbsdownsmileyanim:

DAAAAAMMMNNNNN!!! I wouldn't even tell them about it in that case....

Our insurance seems to be kind of a don't ask-don't tell deal. If I S/C'd either one of my cars I would just have it appraised, and fight it out with them after, I'd rather loose $4000 on the S/C IF the car got written off, instead of paying $9000 every year just to insure it!


Your Insurance - scoobasteve - 01-20-2006

Yeah, My dad wanted to go legit. and since the car was under his name, i had to sell the kit.

Your Insurance - microbunny - 01-20-2006

Wow..I got 4 tickets, 1 accident, and I only pay 1390/year now! (I shouldnt say 'only' but some other people are paying way more with cleaner records)

I turn 25 this year and 1 ticket is off my license in June so I am curious to see what discount, if anything, I will get!! And I have a leased car so I have to have full insurance coverage, not just basic!

Your Insurance - Slimsride - 01-20-2006

^^^ I think they should increase your insurance, just because its you.

Your Insurance - microbunny - 01-20-2006

Slimsride,Jan 19 2006, 07:46 PM Wrote:^^^ I think they should increase your insurance, just because its you.

Ah yes..The filthy animal premium

Your Insurance - NefCanuck - 01-20-2006

ZX3TUNR,Jan 18 2006, 11:33 PM Wrote:Holy fack some of you guys pay so much $$$ for insurance. I would never afford it. How does anyone? Whats minimum wage out in Ontario now anyway.

Also what does the age have to do with your cost?

Well, I'm lucky, I work for the provincial government so I can afford to keep wheels under me (barely) <_<

Age has a great deal to do with it in Ontario as statistics bear out for the most part the insuarance industry's favourite contention that young drivers = accidents waiting for a place to happen, despite all the government efforts to the contrary (Graduated licensing being the big albatross)

Of course in my case... and I can't prove this yet, but I strongly suspect I partially get the shaft on insurance as I'm a disabled driver (The conditions I have to have in order to drive are part of my license)


Your Insurance - focusonthis88 - 01-20-2006

This thread gave me the idea to go back and check my insurance papers and I found that they didn't add in my insurance that I got a driving course. In Ontario you need a driving course if you want your insurance cheaper...So, my insurance didn't put in, im going to save about 500$ per year now! 3500$ instead of 4000$.

And I won't tell them about the turbo this summer!

Your Insurance - ZTWsquared - 01-20-2006

focusonthis_88,Jan 19 2006, 10:26 PM Wrote:And I want tell them about the turbo this summer![right][snapback]166011[/snapback][/right]
Make sure you understand your policy front to back before you tell them ... some policies may allow the company to drop you as a customer all together -- I'm not saying they will; just that they might have that option.

Your Insurance - Frost__2001 - 01-20-2006

Well one Discount I can tell everyone here I get on my Focus is having a European Hood Lock on the car, it's classed as a major anti thieft device, more so since it's a stock ford Item, and there is no releace in the interior for a theif to get the hood open.

Oh and minimum wage in Ontario is currently $ 7.45 / hr it increases on feb 1st 2006 to $ 7.75 / hr, and will increase to $ 8.00 / hr on Feb 1st 2007.

and who's your insurance company microbunny??

Your Insurance - Aka - 01-20-2006

NOS2Go4Me,Jan 19 2006, 10:31 AM Wrote:RBC Insurance. 10% discount for home and car insurance through them.
Same here. Actually it's weird, it's cheaper to get both, than it is to have just car insurance.

It's still stupidly expensive for me though.

Your Insurance - NefCanuck - 01-21-2006

Frost__2001,Jan 19 2006, 10:35 PM Wrote:Well one Discount I can tell everyone here I get on my Focus is having a European Hood Lock on the car, it's classed as a major anti thieft device, more so since it's a stock ford Item, and there is no releace in the interior for a theif to get the hood open.

Oh and minimum wage in Ontario is currently $ 7.45 / hr it increases on feb 1st 2006 to $ 7.75 / hr, and will increase to $ 8.00 / hr on Feb 1st 2007.

and who's your insurance company microbunny??

Question, would the hood lock work on a 2005 Focus or is that only applicable to the last gen Focus? 'cause I'm wondering if I could get any sort of break. I mean they are supposed to already factor in the passive anti-theft system that the Focus comes with, I'm just wondering if something more active might result in a bigger premium drop.


Your Insurance - Casper - 01-21-2006

This is all pretty interesting to read, as I work for a vehicle leasing company that finances cars coast to coast. I used to handle all of the insurance write offs.... and still advise the current people that do it. At one point or another, i've dealt with every insurance company in the country.

- Ontario gets raped for insurance costs.
- The prairies get a killer deal, as the have the combination of low accidents (no bloody hills!) and public insurance (MPI in Manitoba, and SGI in Sask).
- The Maritimes aren't bad..... low accident rates, and private carriers.
- Alberta used to be as bad as Ontario, but the provincial government stepped in and legislated rate caps.
- BC is the middle of the pack. The benefits of lower rates from public insurance, but the varied terrain and population density that Ontario has.

If you ever write your car off, however....
- Alberta has the fastest settlements
- 2nd is the Public insurance companies, and you're more likely to get a better settlement as they're all union gov't employees that really don't care
- Ontario is the worst. Stingy adjusters that take forever.