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Mustang - Flofocus - 09-17-2008

darkpuppet,Sep 16 2008, 09:58 AM Wrote:
ANTHONYD,Sep 16 2008, 09:32 AM Wrote:
2001 ZTS,Sep 15 2008, 03:53 PM Wrote:
NefCanuck,Sep 15 2008, 02:07 PM Wrote:["You aren't the target audience for the show"

If it makes you feel any better, I still think you're a huge nerd. ;)

So are the rest of you by the way; have you ever listened to yourselves? Go back and read through this thread if you don't believe me. :lol:

My point exactly you dorks.

careful you don't betray your coolness in the video game threads..

ANTHONYD,Sep 16 2008, 09:24 AM Wrote:I'm an EA guy myself but have heard good things about the 2K stuff.

Swinging a Wii remote around while playing a hockey game, just doesn't seem right actually. :lol:

:P dorks indeed! :P


Mustang - NefCanuck - 09-17-2008

2001 ZTS,Sep 15 2008, 02:53 PM Wrote:
NefCanuck,Sep 15 2008, 02:07 PM Wrote:["You aren't the target audience for the show"

If it makes you feel any better, I still think you're a huge nerd. ;)

:lol: Hey I know I'm a nerd Andrew (though I resent the term "huge" I prefer to think of myself as "larger than life" :D)


Mustang - Scorcher000 - 09-19-2008

Ok so I haven't read this whole thread but take a look at this link showing new pics of that pos Kit

Take a look at the intake all plastic and the spoiler is rivited on and sealed with black caucking its and auto and might even be a V6 lmfao what a sad sad excuss for a car tahts suspost to be a normal looking car and really is a super car.

Mustang - darkpuppet - 09-19-2008

wow.. just wow...

I've seen better paintjobs done by folks on [FJ] in their local trailer parks with spraycans...

sad, so ... sad... NBC is slowly murdering my childhood.

Mustang - NOS2Go4Me - 09-19-2008

After seeing those pictures, I keep waiting for Vin Diesel to show up and say "Michael, you owe me a 10-second car... but lose the scissor doors." :rolleyes:

That's what you get when you have a network executive's 16-year old son designing the damn car. At least, that's sure as f*** what it looks like.

Mustang - Oscar The Grouch - 09-19-2008

Lambo doors... ghey! :fag:

Mustang - NikiterZTS - 09-21-2008

Apparently KITT was stolen from Toronto during a publicity event in Toronto.

"The car was making a stop in Toronto for a publicity stunt in front of Union Station on Front Street. The car was being unloaded from its transport trailer for a crowd of onlookers. When its handler turned her back for a moment, a man darts from the median, jumps into the still-running ride, and peels off heading East on Front Street."

Mustang - ZX3_2NV - 09-23-2008

no way i gotta see that video thats hilarious

Mustang - paulicat - 09-23-2008

Bad attempt at viral marketing. :D

Mustang - darkpuppet - 09-26-2008

well, that was a waste of hi-def tv show time...

The writing, acting, and special effects made the original look like the fucking Dark Knight movie by comparison.

I may have to delete this from my PVR soon, as you can smell the s**t the moment the HDD spins up.

That had to be THE worst show I've ever seen in recent years. I don't know how NBC could screw it up that badly -- and yet they did. Kudos to NBC.

Mustang - ZX3_2NV - 09-26-2008

yaa the acting was horrible i must say as for the effects i din't think they were that bad and im not crazy about the whole transforming into a Truck the old kitt was wicked when it switched into attack mode this one just looks to over done hey atleast they turbo boosted even though it was werid that the tail pipes moved

Mustang - darkpuppet - 09-26-2008

the whole show looks like it was done by interns that were turned down for every other job in the industry...

Mustang - ZTWsquared - 09-26-2008

Reading this made me nose-spew my coffee (I'm glad I didn't watch the show) ... I always thought we had profanity filters on here, but I guess not.

Edit - I guess Steve is exempt!

darkpuppet,Sep 25 2008, 10:47 AM Wrote:well, that was a waste of hi-def tv show time...

The writing, acting, and special effects made the original look like the f***ing Dark Knight movie by comparison.

I may have to delete this from my PVR soon, as you can smell the s*** the moment the HDD spins up.

That had to be THE worst show I've ever seen in recent years.   I don't know how NBC could screw it up that badly -- and yet they did.  Kudos to NBC.

Mustang - NOS2Go4Me - 09-26-2008

^^ X2! I forgot to set it to record while I was gone and from that review, I'm glad I forgot!

Did anyone else watch the Heroes 2-hour premiere? I'll be re-watching it in HD later on today... Gram's 20" tube TV didn't do it justice :(

Mustang - NefCanuck - 09-26-2008

darkpuppet,Sep 25 2008, 09:47 AM Wrote:well, that was a waste of hi-def tv show time...

The writing, acting, and special effects made the original look like the f***ing Dark Knight movie by comparison.

I may have to delete this from my PVR soon, as you can smell the s*** the moment the HDD spins up.

That had to be THE worst show I've ever seen in recent years.  I don't know how NBC could screw it up that badly -- and yet they did.  Kudos to NBC.

I'm going to have to respectfully disagree to some extent.

If you were going in expecting Shakespeare after seeing the pilot movie, I don't know whether to laugh or shake my head...

The original was cheese, this one isn't quite in the "so bad it's Gouda" territory (yet) but the need to shove in "extras" that weren't in the pilot movie make me wonder about the long term prospects of the thing (The conspiracy, the amnesia, the KITT "truck"

I'll watch its run and see if it lands in the ditch before the inital order of 13 eps. is burned off....


Mustang - darkpuppet - 09-26-2008

NefCanuck,Sep 25 2008, 10:01 PM Wrote:I'm going to have to respectfully disagree to some extent.

If you were going in expecting Shakespeare after seeing the pilot movie, I don't know whether to laugh or shake my head...

The original was cheese, this one isn't quite in the "so bad it's Gouda" territory (yet) but the need to shove in "extras" that weren't in the pilot movie make me wonder about the long term prospects of the thing (The conspiracy, the amnesia, the KITT "truck"

I'll watch its run and see if it lands in the ditch before the inital order of 13 eps. is burned off....


the original was cheese, I never denied that, but c'mon... this is just pure chud.

Oh my god, it's 150 degrees in the car that's flaming and the people who aren't even sweating are taking off their clothes because they'd die if they didn't (huh?). And the dude thinks the chick is trying to get it on -- because he forgot he's in a fucking flaming car!

They tried to cover up bad acting and story writing with 101 cliched possible subplots... this show should never have progressed beyond the movie (which was bad, but not Series Premier Bad™)

The only saving grace was the brief appearance of the Stryker convertible.

But that raises the question... they have expensive cars, and a budget for effects out the wazzoo.. couldn't they spend a couple extra bucks and hire a designer or a couple of military consultants to at least make things appear feasible?

I can accept bad acting (ie, the movie), but you can't toss in poor story, cheesy effects, and forced drama.. the whole thing just fell on it's face. It's like watching VIP, but without the campiness.

I'd be embarrassed to own a GT500KR after watching that show.

I couldn't stand VIP either

Mustang - ZX3_2NV - 09-26-2008

will it be on every wed?

Mustang - NefCanuck - 09-27-2008

ZX3_2NV,Sep 26 2008, 08:25 AM Wrote:will it be on every wed?

Yup, at least as long as people tune in... if the numbers don't hold or are bad to start with NBC might axe this one pretty quick as it costs a pretty penny to produce.

Anyone watch the east coast broadcast? I was wondering how bad the Cancon simsub actually was :ph34r:


Mustang - darkpuppet - 09-27-2008

here's a review from

Quote:While the network (CBS) will probably succeed there, too bad it doesn't have NBC's "Knight Rider" to stick into the 9 p.m. slot since it's likely to be the season's funniest sitcom.

Even though "Knight Rider" is allegedly a drama.

"Knight Rider," which also premieres today (going up against CBS' comedy block of "The New Adventures of Old Christine" and "Gary Unmarried"), is heinously bad. It's the kind of bad that sells cheese or gets entertainment presidents fired - one or the other, or both.

Of course, anyone who would watch "Knight Rider" anyway - given the show's history of low expectations and the NBC movie that reinvented it - probably knows what they're getting into and won't mind that it's spectacularly awful. For some people, taste is not a choice in life.

No doubt it's a waste of effort and space to get worked up about how asinine "Knight Rider" is. In fact, its mere existence could hint at a devious plot by NBC to see which critics across the country will take the bait and flail away at it like a pinata of stupidity. (For example, someone might say that "Knight Rider" makes "Baywatch" look like it was made by Paul Thomas Anderson.)

Though you'd be better served watching the CBS comedy block, there's no denying that "Knight Rider" offers up a rare opportunity for an extremely quick drinking game.

The only rule would be that if you see something jaw-dropping bad - the acting, the writing or the special effects - then you take a drink immediately. Minutes to complete black out: T-minus five.

Maybe four if you gulp.

Whatever you do, don't TiVo this thing or you'll be in rehab before midseason.

It's not difficult to understand what went through the air-filled minds of NBC executives on this one.

First, it's a slick car commercial for a brand not to be mentioned.

Second, as probably the dumbest show of the season (and, yes, that includes Fox's stupendously witless "Do Not Disturb"), "Knight Rider" fits perfectly as a lead-in to "Deal or No Deal," the dumbest reality series in America. It's a masterstroke of programming at the Peacock network.

Third, maybe stoned and bored guys will watch. Advertisers like to sell products to stoned and bored guys.

And lastly, more than just an overproduced cartoon, "Knight Rider" could be the kind of series that gets dissected in future years as a work of weird genius, because it manages to be dramatically absurd within moments of coming on your TV screen and never once hints that it's trying to be intentionally ludicrous.

How many series can do that? You've got 1960s-era "Batman" fights, a car that talks, guns that go off, CGI explosions and the lead actress strips down to her underwear before the first commercial break. They must be very proud over at NBC. And yet, just in case this series was not intended to be so hilariously unwatchable, no names of people involved have been used in this review.

Mustang - NefCanuck - 09-27-2008

Yeah, that was the gist of the "pro" reviews I was seeing out there.

But the pros have been wrong before and will be wrong again...

"1960's era Batman fights"? :rofl: now I understand why I was waiting to see BAM WHAM SOCK!
