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Do You Remember? - darkpuppet - 09-28-2006

OAC_Sparky,Sep 27 2006, 11:52 PM Wrote:The '80s? pfffffft.

You're not officially old until your kids don't know what a Sleestack is, who Speed Racer was, and why Trixie was friggin hot for a cartoon character.


what's a Sleestack? :ph34r:

Speed Racer I get.. Trixie...I sort of recognize (but where from?)....

By the power of greyskull!!!

Do You Remember? - BerinG - 09-28-2006

[Image: 128.jpg]

Do You Remember? - darkpuppet - 09-28-2006

speaking of the old days.. what was old will be new again!

Quote:German developer Frogster Interactive has announced plans to remake two classic games from the now defunct UK developer the Bitmap Brothers; the futuristic sport game Speedball 2 and the action-shooter The Chaos Engine. Both games are due for release for the PC sometime in 2007.

If anyone remembers, the bitmap brothers OWNED on the Amiga (Speedball, The Chaos Engine, Gods)... I would buy only their games or psygnosis games (shadow of the beast, awesome, blood money). Beautiful graphics, awesome music, impossible to beat....

Do You Remember? - dBlast - 09-28-2006

The first computer game I owned was the first computer game ever sold to the public. Atari "Pong"

The computer programming we learned in school involved filling out squares with pencil on cards.

Personal computers, internet, and cell phones did not exist at my high school.

My first skateboard was one of the first ones with polyurathane wheels and the board was in the shape of a mini surf board. (and I still use it now, its faster than my daughter's new boards)

Do You Remember? - darkpuppet - 09-29-2006

dBlast,Sep 28 2006, 09:53 AM Wrote:The first computer game I owned was the first computer game ever sold to the public.  Atari "Pong"

The computer programming we learned in school involved filling out squares with pencil on cards.

Personal computers, internet, and cell phones did not exist at my high school.

My first skateboard was one of the first ones with polyurathane wheels and the board was in the shape of a mini surf board.  (and I still use it now, its faster than my daughter's new boards)

guess I'm not quite as old...

The first computer game I (or my family) owned was Space Invaders on the vic-20. My parents refused to allow us to have game machines. I didn't own my first console until I was 21 years old (a playstation when I moved out). But we did have (in order) VIC-20, C-64, Amiga 1000, IBM 386 sx-20.

The programming I taught myself was BASIC.. I wrote my first program when I was 8 -- (I spent an entire summer indoors when I was 10 writing a program on the c-64).

In highschool, I was kicked off the computers for a week for exploiting a security hole in the unisys icon OS and walling "f*** you" to the entire school (along with my terminal ID -- d'oh!).

We had no cellphones, and I often called collect from the school's payphone. many a times, my parents received the automated operator, "Hi, do you accept collect call charges from, 'Steve needs a ride!'?"

My first skateboard wasn't torpedo shaped, but it had big wheels, and kids knew the skill of, "skating" the board - propelling it without having to put your foot down.

**whoops.. I did have a console before I was 21... I bought myself the original Atari Lynx when I was 12 or 13...

Do You Remember? - NefCanuck - 09-29-2006

ZX5chica,Sep 27 2006, 11:08 PM Wrote:
Crazirich,Sep 27 2006, 12:00 PM Wrote:Atari... even tho I never had one  <_<

We still have ours, along with all the games... wonder what it would get on ebay??

Oh, and other stuff I've found.... our old PC junior and the BetaMax (which my dad has hooked up to our 57' widescreen in the basement... go figure)

Which version of the 2600 is it? I remember the first ones in Canada back in '81 that had the fake woodgrain and the three toggle switches on each side of the cartridge slot (I remember that so well because I had broken my leg skiing in the spring of '81 and the friend of the family that bought the unit lent it to me during my eight week recovery, turned my mom into a Breakout addict :lol:)


Do You Remember? - ANTHONYD - 09-29-2006

I had a TI99

[Image: TI99-4A.jpg]

Do You Remember? - Focused - 09-29-2006

hahahj i LOVE this thread!!

best burn MEFORD--->flo bwahahhaa

well done....well done...

and yea...i did this lololol

Quote:54. You know all the words to Bon Jovi - SHOT THROUGH THE HEART.
55. You just sang those words to yourself

as for computers...i be NOBODY here has heard of this 3.84mhz badboy..

the 1983 ADAM colecovision (we also had an actual colecovision console at one time too....i think after this)

Quote:Introduced: June 1983
Released: October 1983
Discontinued: January 1985
Price: US $600
CPU: Zilog Z80-A @ 3.58MHz
RAM: 80K, 64K available to user
Display: TV (RF) & composite video
36 X 24 text, 16 colors
256 X 192 graphics 
Ports: cartridge, video, AdamNet
Expansion: 3 internal expansion slots
Peripherals: Daisy-wheel printer (required)
Storage: 1 or 2 internal cassette drives
External floppy drive available
OS: BASIC, loaded from cassette

[Image: adam.jpg]

i'm 30...the 80's were fun....but i'm all about the 70's for some reason....i love what they represent...pure cheesiness

Do You Remember? - OAC_Sparky - 09-29-2006

[Image: enik11.jpg]


[Image: speed_trixie.jpg]

Trixie, Speed Racer's girlfriend

Do You Remember? - darkpuppet - 09-29-2006

sleestack replaces the whale in my nightmares..

and yes, I've heard of the Adam computer... I didn't know anyone actually owned one tho...

Do You Remember? - NOS2Go4Me - 09-29-2006

THAT's why Trixie sounded familiar!

I still don't know what a Sleestack is... Flash Gordon-related, perhaps?

First computer game I ever owned (besides my Colecovision stuff): The original Test Drive.

First computer: Tandy TL/2-1000. 8MHz of 80286 fury, 640K RAM and a 20MB hard drive. I even had... wait for it... the Norton Commander for moving batches of files efficiently!

And if anyone else remembers the Space Quest game series... you know what I'm talking about! :D

Do You Remember? - NefCanuck - 09-30-2006

Focused,Sep 28 2006, 10:36 PM Wrote:hahahj i LOVE this thread!!

as for computers...i be NOBODY here has heard of this 3.84mhz badboy..

the 1983 ADAM colecovision (we also had an actual colecovision console at one time too....i think after this)

Quote:Introduced: June 1983
Released: October 1983
Discontinued: January 1985
Price: US $600
CPU: Zilog Z80-A @ 3.58MHz
RAM: 80K, 64K available to user
Display: TV (RF) & composite video
36 X 24 text, 16 colors
256 X 192 graphics 
Ports: cartridge, video, AdamNet
Expansion: 3 internal expansion slots
Peripherals: Daisy-wheel printer (required)
Storage: 1 or 2 internal cassette drives
External floppy drive available
OS: BASIC, loaded from cassette


Gawd, the ADAM, now there was a "bright" idea. Release a "computer" that was so useless it made the IBM PCjr look like a raging beast (Only thing the ADAM had over the PC jr was it had a real keyboard and not that $#%'ing abomination chiclet board that IBM gave you with the PC jr...)


Anyone remember Atari's computers? the 400/800/XL series?

Do You Remember? - Crazirich - 09-30-2006

Check these out

old commercials

Do You Remember? - Crazirich - 09-30-2006

[Image: commodore64a.gif]

Do You Remember? - NOS2Go4Me - 09-30-2006

Bah, realmedia. Otherwise, nice find!

Do You Remember? - scoobasteve - 09-30-2006

NefCanuck,Sep 29 2006, 10:28 AM Wrote:
Focused,Sep 28 2006, 10:36 PM Wrote:hahahj i LOVE this thread!!

as for computers...i be NOBODY here has heard of this 3.84mhz badboy..

the 1983 ADAM colecovision (we also had an actual colecovision console at one time too....i think after this)

Quote:Introduced: June 1983
Released: October 1983
Discontinued: January 1985
Price: US $600
CPU: Zilog Z80-A @ 3.58MHz
RAM: 80K, 64K available to user
Display: TV (RF) & composite video
36 X 24 text, 16 colors
256 X 192 graphics 
Ports: cartridge, video, AdamNet
Expansion: 3 internal expansion slots
Peripherals: Daisy-wheel printer (required)
Storage: 1 or 2 internal cassette drives
External floppy drive available
OS: BASIC, loaded from cassette


Gawd, the ADAM, now there was a "bright" idea. Release a "computer" that was so useless it made the IBM PCjr look like a raging beast (Only thing the ADAM had over the PC jr was it had a real keyboard and not that $#%'ing abomination chiclet board that IBM gave you with the PC jr...)


Anyone remember Atari's computers? the 400/800/XL series?

Yep, My dad was all about the new technology back in those days. Early Early 80's

A fisher VHS player
Zeineth console TV.... WITH REMOTE!
Then he had his atari 400, 2600 and coleco vision hooked up. and a commodore 64.

I miss those days,

After he upgraded to his 386 SX w/4mb ram. it was game over.

Do You Remember? - Crazirich - 09-30-2006

oh baby.. the memories

public school
[Image: Commodore_64_System_s3.jpg]
[Image: Unisys_Icon_System_s1.jpg]

Do You Remember? - Crazirich - 09-30-2006

dBlast,Sep 28 2006, 09:53 AM Wrote:My first skateboard was one of the first ones with polyurathane wheels and the board was in the shape of a mini surf board.

We live in the country... they didn't work good on gravel..... my cousin had one I could use when we visited
darkpuppet,Sep 28 2006, 09:17 AM Wrote:In highschool, I was kicked off the computers for a week for exploiting a security hole in the unisys icon OS and walling "f*** you" to the entire school (along with my terminal ID -- d'oh!). 

We had our fun too... but it was more public school for us. Setting the dot matrix printers to print entire boxes of paper like an endless conveyor!! Hiding in the library and playing games... Messing things up and hacking passwords... some of us were smarter than the teachers LOL

Do You Remember? - darkpuppet - 09-30-2006

^^-- I never did anything really malicious... .. well, we did change the DOS copyrights and some commands (DEL to CUT, DIR to SEE, COPY to DUPE, etc) to our names once... I was the curious type who just wanted to do more than the computers would normally allow.

So I just found ways of working around it...

in fact, in my keyboarding class, I was one of two people sent to the regional skills fare for the typing competition. Me and the other guy in my class were the only 2 males out of 42 competitors, and we took 1st and 2nd. He had 91words per minute, I had 89 words per minute.

We used to finish the year's keyboarding assignments and bonuses in the 1st month of class and spend the rest of the time playing EA golf on the computers.

I was also sent to the Ontario skills competition for Graphic design... I won out partly because i was the only one to use a computer to make the poster, and had a lot of the college teams coming by to check it out... which was cool, but I got my ass kicked by the judges too for the poster being too busy -- first time I was told that 'because you can do it' doesn't mean 'you should do it'... I was 16 being reamed out by a professional graphic designer.. it sucked.

anyhoo.. great memories... wish I was a kid again..

Do You Remember? - ANTHONYD - 09-30-2006

I remember playing Lemonadeon one of these bad boys....

[Image: pet.jpg]