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Playstation 3 Release Slated For November - Printable Version

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Playstation 3 Release Slated For November - darkpuppet - 03-16-2006

Been debating whether to post this all morning, but as some of you gamers may know, March 15 was a big press day in Japan for Sony.

Among PSP and PS2 details, they've finally set a release date for release of the PS3.. which, as recently implied by namco will be in November.

Final Development kits will be available in June and going on sale to 3rd party developers in July (a little late for a spring release IMO).

Some other PS3 developments.
- the PS3 will have an online service akin to xbox Live, only the basic service will be free
- developers are told to develop with a 60GB HDD in mind
- games should be bootable by the hdd, and it should support linux
- all games will be published to blue-ray, no intermediate step here

the online component will feature much of the xbox live's feature set..
Voice/Video chat
Friend list/Avatar
Game data upload/download

Shop (accessible from inside games)
Content Download
Micro Payment
Entitlement (user access rights) management

User Registration
Login ID/Handling of name issues

Playstation 3 Release Slated For November - euro_zx5 - 03-16-2006

It's about time... the 360 needs some competition.

Playstation 3 Release Slated For November - Oscar The Grouch - 03-16-2006

hmmmm.... interesting.... Maybe I'll actually buy a console for the first time in like 10 years.

Playstation 3 Release Slated For November - NOS2Go4Me - 03-16-2006

Well... at least my PS2 will keep me occupied till then.

Is it still backwards compatible with PS2/PS games?

Playstation 3 Release Slated For November - darkpuppet - 03-16-2006

NOS2Go4Me,Mar 15 2006, 10:27 AM Wrote:Well... at least my PS2 will keep me occupied till then.

Is it still backwards compatible with PS2/PS games?

it'll be backwards compatible, but I have a feeling it's going to be a lot of software emulation like the xbox 360.

it was easy to do in the PS2.. they just used the PS ONE processor as the controller chip. I don't think the PS3 will be packaging all the hardware of the PS2 into the PS3 this time around.

and considering the sell-through numbers and the xbox 360's meager production numbers, the PS3 will have nearly 3 times the number of units available at launch than MS has made available all year -- ok, not quite that many, but if they meet their projected numbers, they'll actually pass xbox at launch.

Playstation 3 Release Slated For November - FocusGuy7476 - 03-16-2006

i'll be making the decision after i can play the PS3.

Playstation 3 Release Slated For November - NefCanuck - 03-16-2006

I'll certainly look at it, but buying it fresh when it comes out? Fhht... screw that crap. There won't be one PS3 launch title that'll make me fork out $500+ for the unit, believe it <_<


Playstation 3 Release Slated For November - darkpuppet - 03-16-2006

I'll pick one up even if just to warm that corner of the living room.

Playstation 3 Release Slated For November - bluetoy - 03-16-2006

Just in time for Christmas.... What a coincidence :rolleyes:

Playstation 3 Release Slated For November - focusonthis88 - 03-16-2006

I want it now!!! Can't wait t'ill it comes out!

Playstation 3 Release Slated For November - paolo - 03-16-2006

they say it will cost less to buy a ps3 than it will to buy those new blue ray dvd players, and ps3 plays blu ray.

Playstation 3 Release Slated For November - darkpuppet - 03-17-2006

paolo,Mar 15 2006, 08:01 PM Wrote:they say it will cost less to buy a ps3 than it will to buy those new blue ray dvd players, and ps3 plays blu ray.

the problem is that the blue ray players will have things such as better buffering, error correction, and/or audio & video features than what the PS3 will likely have... it's like the PS2.. plays DVDs, but the optical out only outputs Dolby Prologic, not DTS or 5.1.

Playstation 3 Release Slated For November - FociPhil - 03-17-2006

Ill just rent the PS3 from my work for free...and if i really like it. Maybe ill but one. Im gonna wait until i get a HD TV tho and surround sound. Otherwards its no fun.

Playstation 3 Release Slated For November - NOS2Go4Me - 03-17-2006

darkpuppet,Mar 16 2006, 11:31 AM Wrote:
paolo,Mar 15 2006, 08:01 PM Wrote:they say it will cost less to buy a ps3 than it will to buy those new blue ray dvd players, and ps3 plays blu ray.

the problem is that the blue ray players will have things such as better buffering, error correction, and/or audio & video features than what the PS3 will likely have... it's like the PS2.. plays DVDs, but the optical out only outputs Dolby Prologic, not DTS or 5.1.

I hope there's DTS 5.1 at least in the next one. DTS is super-smooth for movies.

Playstation 3 Release Slated For November - DD1 - 03-17-2006

this ranks up there with the fact that KY has a smoother less irrateing formula for all the guys that just can't get enough of jerking off or captin Kirk :lol:

Playstation 3 Release Slated For November - NOS2Go4Me - 03-17-2006


Playstation 3 Release Slated For November - FociPhil - 03-18-2006

i think that was the first post hes had that had less then 4 spelling mistakes, and was pretty close to making sense.

Looks like someone stayed sober tonight!

Playstation 3 Release Slated For November - scoobasteve - 03-18-2006

FociPhil,Mar 17 2006, 11:22 AM Wrote:i think that was the first post hes had that had less then 4 spelling mistakes, and was pretty close to making sense.

Looks like someone stayed sober tonight!

I'm damn impressed... Bravo Don... Bravo :lol:

Playstation 3 Release Slated For November - darkpuppet - 03-18-2006

*ahem* back on topic... more geek talk!

Playstation 3 Release Slated For November - NOS2Go4Me - 03-18-2006

The new "viewing mechanism" dictates that I attempt to connect the PS2 in a high-def format.

Has anyone ever connected their PS2 and run it in a true hi-def format? IE GT4 and 480p or 1080i?