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Another Ejection From A Chace. - Printable Version

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Another Ejection From A Chace. - ANTHONYD - 02-28-2006


Another Ejection From A Chace. - NOS2Go4Me - 02-28-2006

OMG he/she was SO lucky. They almost had an authentic Suburban Hat!

Suck it up, cupcake. That's why you don't run. :rofl:

Another Ejection From A Chace. - darkpuppet - 02-28-2006


\Chace\, v. t. To pursue. See Chase v. t.

Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.


\Chace\, n. See 3d Chase, n., 3.

Another Ejection From A Chace. - laidman - 02-28-2006

now was it just me or did the car jump 4 lanes of traffic in the last ten seconds of the video. I could be wrong, but that was cool.

on a side note that video is old, I was emailed that same video back in the summer......still funny at the end the trunk almost flips onto the driver,

Another Ejection From A Chace. - K_OS - 02-28-2006

That was cool, probably the best crash I've seen in a while. I get to watch these all the time on satellite when I'm watching tv from LA and before you know it they cut to the chase, whats even funnier now is that they have one guy doing the play by play and a commentator like you would get in a hockey game.

Laterz :)

Another Ejection From A Chace. - FociPhil - 02-28-2006

lucky he didnt hit anyone when he jumped that cross street.

Another Ejection From A Chace. - ANTHONYD - 02-28-2006

[Image: repost.jpg]

Another Ejection From A Chace. - jcarle - 02-28-2006

Why in the world did he veer off the highway like that? Weird.