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Yes, Another Ircish Post - Printable Version

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Yes, Another Ircish Post - NOS2Go4Me - 02-24-2006

But so funny, I had to share it... and it's car-related!

Yes, Another Ircish Post - Oscar The Grouch - 02-24-2006

WTF? I think a VW flew over my head.

I still don't get it.

Yes, Another Ircish Post - Phantom - 02-24-2006

Minmatar is a race in a game called EVE-Online, basically You just fly your spaceship all day either killing people or mining minerals to get bigger ships. and the guns u equip are all caliber rated, the big battle cruisers and such can have like 1400mm cannons, and someone was just saying it's like launching a car. Bad joke unless u know the game then it's just humours how stupid people can be.

Yes, Another Ircish Post - Oscar The Grouch - 02-24-2006

Of course I know what Eve online is. (been playing it for about a month now) :P