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Error Chain - Printable Version

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Error Chain - 2001 ZTS - 02-04-2006

When ships have a disaster, like the one today in Saudi, it is almost always what is called an error chain. No single cause but many different things that contribute to a disaster.

This ship that sank was a roll on roll off car ferry like you see in Tobermory, down east or in BC. That is usually perfectly fine but requires lots of precautions. When a problem does happen and your ship looked like this when built in the 70's:

[Image: boccacio_1971_1.jpg]

you may have some time and factor of safety on your hands. However when it is modified in '91 to look like this:

[Image: boccacio_1971_2.jpg]

[Image: al_salam_boccaccio_1971_1.jpg]

you don't have to be a Naval Architect to see it is a bit on the top heavy side, which in itself is fine, but if your car deck ships any water or something else goes wrong, bad things are going to happen very fast.................

Error Chain - ANTHONYD - 02-04-2006


Weight shift she be.

Error Chain - Euro Ford Fan - 02-04-2006

That's what I thought when I saw the pictures on CNN this morning.

Terrible such loss of life. :(

Error Chain - darkpuppet - 02-04-2006

that boat DOES look better upside down...

it's really unfortunate, hopefully they will learn from this (even though I doubt it)

Error Chain - Frost__2001 - 02-04-2006

yeah I agree with 2001ZTS, I think people are too stupid to make ships too top heavy as they are more of a risk to passenger safety then anything else more so in choppy water.

Error Chain - nass - 02-04-2006

would it matter if the cars went into the belly down low??

I don't know what happened or anything else just asking :)