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Another Sign Ford Upper Management Is Whack - Printable Version

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Another Sign Ford Upper Management Is Whack - 2001 ZTS - 02-01-2006

Kermit the Frog to advertise Ford Escape Hybrid

Dearborn, Michigan - Celebrated actor and "expert on all things green" Kermit the Frog will appear in a new marketing campaign for the Ford Escape Hybrid that will debut during the second quarter of Super Bowl XL on February 5.

In the 30-second ad, Kermit will encounter the Escape Hybrid while exploring the great outdoors. The full story line will be kept secret until the ad's debut.

The commercial will kick off a broader campaign featuring Kermit in television, print, digital and outdoor advertising


Ya, that's cool...................NOT!

Who at Ford actually sits there and goes: "great idea, lets run with it"?

Another Sign Ford Upper Management Is Whack - Oscar The Grouch - 02-01-2006

Frogs in hybrid commercials. Its been done. Honda did it already.

Another Sign Ford Upper Management Is Whack - ANTHONYD - 02-01-2006

It's the facking strategic planner at Y&R that tells Ford to go this way...

Ultimately though, some one at Ford signed off on it.

Another Sign Ford Upper Management Is Whack - CanadaSVT - 02-02-2006

Just smoke a dube and enjoy the commercial. That's what the execs will be doing. :lol:

Another Sign Ford Upper Management Is Whack - ZTWsquared - 02-02-2006

ANTHONYD,Feb 1 2006, 09:24 AM Wrote:It's the facking strategic planner at Y&R that tells Ford to go this way...

Ultimately though, some one at Ford signed off on it.
Assuming it's Ford Division and not Ford of Canada the AOR is JWT ... but yeah, kind of an obvious idea (Kermit's mantra is "Bein' Green") ... if you want strange Volkswagen 'hired' Kermit to do a Volkswagen commercial in German (looking for the link now.)

Another Sign Ford Upper Management Is Whack - NefCanuck - 02-02-2006

Okay, this is just too stupid an idea not to share it. I give you my version of "Kermit The Frog meets the Escape Hybird"

Opening scene - Forested area

Kermit sitting on a log plucking at a banjo

Kermit: Hi ho! It's great to get away from the city smog and noise Cue a herd of typical SUV's roaring through belching smoke

Kermit gets off the log hacking and coughing

Kermit: Darnit! Why can't someone come up with a cleaner SUV?

Cue Kermit getting pasted from behind by a Ford Escape Hybrid running on its batteries

Kermit: ... looks up and sees the Escape drive off I guess it is easy to be green after all faceplants back onto the road - fade out


Another Sign Ford Upper Management Is Whack - Oscar The Grouch - 02-02-2006

I think it would be more entertaining if Kermit got run over by the Escape hybrid. :lol:

Another Sign Ford Upper Management Is Whack - nass - 02-02-2006

how many of us on this site are actually persuaded by ANY commercial. I can't say that there has been a commercial that has made me want to buy a product.... well besides maybe a pizza when we're all stoned or something :)

On the same token would any commercial persuade you to NOT buy the product simply because the commercial sucked??

I personally don't care for commercials, they are another form of entertainment.

Another Sign Ford Upper Management Is Whack - NefCanuck - 02-02-2006

nass,Feb 1 2006, 02:09 PM Wrote:how many of us on this site are actually persuaded by ANY commercial. I can't say that there has been a commercial that has made me want to buy a product.... well besides maybe a pizza when we're all stoned or something :)

On the same token would any commercial persuade you to NOT buy the product simply because the commercial sucked??

I personally don't care for commercials, they are another form of entertainment.

There have been commercials that have convinced me at least to look at a product or service from time to time, if only to see what all the fuss was about.

Conversely, there have been ads that either because of what they are advertising or when they are playing, send me leaping for the remote (and for anyone that knows me personally, knows I don't leap :P) Best example of that is ads for women's hygenie products on YTV on Friday nights. Um, no thank you :blink:

'course the newest Ford Focus ad is just bizzarre with people staring off in the distance trance-like whilst the sound from a Focus plays in the background over the tagline "Stay Focused" (I mainly laugh 'cause I couldn't get my Focus to emit that sound if I tried :D)


Another Sign Ford Upper Management Is Whack - Frost__2001 - 02-02-2006

Oscar The Grouch,Feb 1 2006, 09:04 AM Wrote:Frogs in hybrid commercials.  Its been done.  Honda did it already.

Yeah kinda like when the Simpson's did commercials for Toyota's 95 - 96 Corrola & Camery.

Another Sign Ford Upper Management Is Whack - nass - 02-02-2006

The Simpsons already did it - South Park Season 5 ep 9