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Must Be Snowing In Toronto - darkpuppet - 11-24-2005

8:47am, 147 accidents today so far.

lots of asswipes driving like it's summer apparently... GTA commuters watch yourselves out there.

Must Be Snowing In Toronto - NOS2Go4Me - 11-25-2005

Perhaps we need to create a new flyer for distribution when licenses are distributed like Cracker Jack toys:

"Warning - cars here in Canada don't handle like the camels you're used to back home. The cars here are unpredictable and may not be as sure-footed as that two-humped bastard that always took you back and forth to work. Also, check your mirrors frequently. Camels... make that cars may be closer than they seem to be.

Mules are a different story entirely. Unlike a mule, it's recommended that you plug in your car when the temperature goes below -10C. Do NOT bring your car inside, especially if you live in a highrise. While mules can be as sure-footed as camels, they draw a similar likeness to cars that aren't plugged in overnight.

One hump camels are the same for all considerations as above. Think of a one-hump camel as a hatchback and a two-hump camel as a sedan. Again, please don't bring your sedan in overnight... just plug it in."

Edited just for Mr. Mo :D

Must Be Snowing In Toronto - 2001 ZTS - 11-25-2005

I left the house at 5am for Hamilton to avoid all the BS. No snow at the Hamilton end but about 3 inches at my place in East York.

Must Be Snowing In Toronto - Flofocus - 11-25-2005

Of course...of all is review day and they want us in the office. Left my house at 6:05 am, got in at 7:50am.

Its a 20 minute drive normally, 20 minutes in rush hour. :o

we've got about 3" so far.

Sooooooooooooooooooooooo much fun. :D :D (see sig :lol: :P )

Must Be Snowing In Toronto - SVT ZX3 - 11-25-2005

We went through this last week in Winnipeg, but we got 35cm in about 10 hours. Same deal, everyone forgets how to drive.

Must Be Snowing In Toronto - habmann - 11-25-2005

NOS2Go4Me,Nov 24 2005, 09:06 AM Wrote:Perhaps we need to create a new flyer for distribution when licenses are distributed like Cracker Jack toys:

"Warning - cars here in Canada don't handle like the camels you're used to back home. The cars here are unpredictable and may not be as sure-footed as that two-humped bastard that always took you back and forth to work. Also, check your mirrors frequently. Camels... make that cars may be closer than they seem to be."

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Thats awesome. But don't forget some people are used to the one hump version.

Must Be Snowing In Toronto - mo_focus - 11-25-2005

funny, everyone left their house early so they wont stuck in traffic. I left at 7:30. I'm suppose to be at work at 7 and there was no one on the hwy and it took me only 30 min to get to work :)

sometimes its better to go late, BC everyone and their mother leaves early when it snows

Must Be Snowing In Toronto - mo_focus - 11-25-2005

NOS2Go4Me,Nov 24 2005, 02:06 PM Wrote:Perhaps we need to create a new flyer for distribution when licenses are distributed like Cracker Jack toys:

"Warning - cars here in Canada don't handle like the camels you're used to back home. The cars here are unpredictable and may not be as sure-footed as that two-humped bastard that always took you back and forth to work. Also, check your mirrors frequently. Camels... make that cars may be closer than they seem to be."

thas just RUDE!!!!!

some of them are used to donkeys and mules. So please dont be racist againt those guys.

Thanks Management :D

Must Be Snowing In Toronto - darkpuppet - 11-25-2005

Another tip to Toronto Drivers...

If you can't see out your windows, it's probably because there's snow on them...

use a brush to clean off your entire car, not just the door handles!

Must Be Snowing In Toronto - Frost__2001 - 11-25-2005

last night I was in the east end of Toronto, and I got to drive home in it after my date. The roads were lightly covered but were totally manageable, and really I was suprised I was able to keep at 100 kms on the 401 in the express lanes all the way to the airport, till the snow was a bit more built up around there.

410 was a bit covered but fine driving at 80, and it was not till I got off the highway at hwy 7 that the roads were a bit slick.

My drive to work this morning was interesting as I watched a Police car skid out and into a light post on kennedy road. and then seeing not one but two tow trucks in the ditch near Winstonchirchill rd. and that was at just after 5 am this morning. But the drive home was great, as almost all the roads were clear at 11.

Must Be Snowing In Toronto - residentdud - 11-25-2005

I worked lastnight, so on my way I'm going down Winston Churchill Blvd. and out of nowhere...the front end of a GMC Sierra BANG! no airbag deployment. My front passenger corner was pushed to the windshield. The crazy thing is, there were cars behind me, in front of me, a salt truck directly beside me to my right, and oncoming traffic to my left. I dont know what happened but the front end of her truck hit me in a " baseball bat " swinging was crazy! funny enough, the truck was brown. And get this...not a single person stopped!.

Must Be Snowing In Toronto - residentdud - 11-25-2005

residentdud,Nov 24 2005, 07:11 PM Wrote:I worked lastnight, so on my way I'm going down Winston Churchill Blvd. and out of nowhere...the front end of a GMC Sierra BANG! no airbag deployment. My front passenger corner was pushed to the windshield. The crazy thing is, there were cars behind me, in front of me, a salt truck directly beside me to my right, and oncoming traffic to my left. I dont know what happened but the front end of her truck hit me in a " baseball bat " swinging was crazy! funny enough, the truck was brown. And get this...not a single person stopped!.

Oops...almost forgot the best part, I drive a company vehicle. Drive safely everyone! :D

Must Be Snowing In Toronto - NOS2Go4Me - 11-25-2005

So the FoFo survived? Good show. And you did too, apparently ;)

At least you weren't maimed or anything.

Must Be Snowing In Toronto - D-Dub - 11-25-2005

man my firehawks are working awesome in this weather I didnt even have to pull the ebrake to slide the ass end out, it just does it naturaly now. Thanks firestone for designing the worlds worst tires.

Must Be Snowing In Toronto - FocusGuy7476 - 11-25-2005

hmm, nothing but brown grass here.

Must Be Snowing In Toronto - NefCanuck - 11-25-2005

This morning it was manageable, sure there was snow on the roads, but if you took it easy (which most people did) everything was cool.

Flash forward to tonight after a few extra intermittent flurries...


It was like everybody checked their brains at the door when they left the office! One major crack up involving three cars at an intersection on Hurontario and the maniacs leaving the GO station at Cooksville must have been in a hurry to get to their accident because I saw three near misses while waiting my turn to go down the road that passes the station :rolleyes:


Must Be Snowing In Toronto - residentdud - 11-25-2005

So, I'm off to work yet once again...let's hope I don't kill this truck now. And yes, my focus is safe at home. I try not to drive it in the snow, never know what can happen, as I found out lastnight.

Must Be Snowing In Toronto - FociPhil - 11-26-2005

FocusGuy7476,Nov 25 2005, 12:16 AM Wrote:hmm, nothing but brown grass here.

yup, pretty nice here...this time its our turn to laugh

Must Be Snowing In Toronto - 02ztsian - 11-26-2005

right now, +12 C, sunny, dry as a bone. Actually thinking of getting out the pressure washer and doing the car, the driveway, maybe the wifes van. B)

Must Be Snowing In Toronto - Frost__2001 - 11-26-2005

well personally it's just one more day of snow till forcasted high of 7 then 13 in Toronto starting on sunday.