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Games We Play On The Roads. - ANTHONYD - 11-22-2005

Does anyone else out there f ukc with people on the highways that drive like morons?

I like to drive the PERFECT speed that those idiots that you see riding peoples asses can't get by. get in the right lane and drive the EXACT same speed as the people in the lsow and middle lanes.

I've actually had people try to pass me on the shoulder. I like to think I'm doing them a favour by making them slow down and realize that the world does not revolve around them.

I also like the occational brake check to those who follow too close.

I'm an asshat, but aggressive drivers on the highway can gargle my hairy beanbag.. :lol:

Games We Play On The Roads. - Flofocus - 11-22-2005

I hate people like you. :P

I'll be driving 130 in a 100 zone, and some person like you who thinks the world revolves around them will do exatly what you said. Instead of speeding up and getting the damn out of my way they will match the speed to the car beside them. Then, I have people flashing their higbeams at ME trying to get by ME. :rolleyes:

Defensive drivers are just as bad.

Games We Play On The Roads. - 2001 ZTS - 11-22-2005

Leave speed enforcement to the cops and keep right except to pass.

Games We Play On The Roads. - ANTHONYD - 11-22-2005

Flofocus,Nov 21 2005, 10:36 AM Wrote:I hate people like you.  :P

I'll be driving 130 in a 100 zone, and some person like you who thinks the world revolves around them will do exatly what you said.  Instead of speeding up and getting the damn out of my way they will match the speed to the car beside them.  Then, I have people flashing their higbeams at ME trying to get by ME. :rolleyes:

Defensive drivers are just as bad.

Bullet for you then.... With your weaving and bobbing in and out of your lane....If you only knew that staying in YOUR lane and travelling the flow, will get you there just as quick, if not quicker than driving like an idiot. Not to mention.... guys that drive like you, look like idiots. :lol:

Games We Play On The Roads. - Flofocus - 11-22-2005

ANTHONYD,Nov 21 2005, 10:38 AM Wrote:
Flofocus,Nov 21 2005, 10:36 AM Wrote:I hate people like you.  :P

I'll be driving 130 in a 100 zone, and some person like you who thinks the world revolves around them will do exatly what you said.  Instead of speeding up and getting the damn out of my way they will match the speed to the car beside them.  Then, I have people flashing their higbeams at ME trying to get by ME. :rolleyes:

Defensive drivers are just as bad.

Bullet for you then.... With your weaving and bobbing in and out of your lane....If you only knew that staying in YOUR lane and travelling the flow, will get you there just as quick, if not quicker than driving like an idiot. Not to mention.... guys that drive like you, look like idiots. :lol:

I never said I weave in & out of traffic, thanks for assuming that though :rolleyes: Weaving in & out of traffic IS retarded, but so is blocking the passing lane. Slower traffic move right. Easy as that. :rolleyes:

Theres aggresive driving, then common sense man.

Games We Play On The Roads. - Oscar The Grouch - 11-22-2005

When people are swerving in and out at like 150km/h in heavy traffic, I agree.

But when there's like no one on the road, i'd say let the speeding f-er pass and let his fate be determined with the speed trap up the road.

Games We Play On The Roads. - SL8RZZX3 - 11-22-2005

The guys i love to hate on the hiway are those dumbasses that see you come flying up in the left lane and then do then Nascar lane change and get right up your ass :angry: i always seem to let up on the gas or gear down just to see that stupid look on their face :o :blink:

The best was last night! some punk ass kid in "Daddy's" 300 wanting to race me in my '91 accord :rolleyes: yeah you're cool buddy :huh: i know that there's lamp post with your name on it! :lol:

Games We Play On The Roads. - NOS2Go4Me - 11-22-2005

Natural selection... someone's going to get DarwinOWNED by the end of the day driving like a complete tool. The sad part is, half the time it's someone else who was doing the speed limit. I don't block people, but I don't accelerate to their speed on a 2-lane either.

I drive fast only in select instances... the rest of the time I drive for fuel economy. In this case "select instances" is south of Barrie on the 400. Or when I'm really behind the 8-ball for time.

What's important is that you can't repeal, or appeal, the laws of physics. A lot of morons forget just that.

Games We Play On The Roads. - ANTHONYD - 11-22-2005

Flofocus,Nov 21 2005, 10:42 AM Wrote:
ANTHONYD,Nov 21 2005, 10:38 AM Wrote:
Flofocus,Nov 21 2005, 10:36 AM Wrote:I hate people like you.  :P

I'll be driving 130 in a 100 zone, and some person like you who thinks the world revolves around them will do exatly what you said.  Instead of speeding up and getting the damn out of my way they will match the speed to the car beside them.  Then, I have people flashing their higbeams at ME trying to get by ME. :rolleyes:

Defensive drivers are just as bad.

Bullet for you then.... With your weaving and bobbing in and out of your lane....If you only knew that staying in YOUR lane and travelling the flow, will get you there just as quick, if not quicker than driving like an idiot. Not to mention.... guys that drive like you, look like idiots. :lol:

I never said I weave in & out of traffic. :rolleyes: Yeah that IS retarded, but so is blocking the passing lane. Slower traffic move right. Easy as that. :rolleyes:

Theres aggresive driving, then common sense man.

I don't slow down to 60 in the fast lane.

If I'm doing 120 - 130...the flow. And a guy comes roaring up my ass at 150 - 160... I'm not going to speed up. Why should I move over and cause an accident because of this idiot?

Games We Play On The Roads. - Flofocus - 11-22-2005

Cuz like Andrew said, leave speeding enforcement up to the police and let fast traffic pass on the left. The law is there for a reason. yeah, I hate the douche bag that creeps up on me at 160km/hr, but I have no right to blocking his way even if he is being an idiot. Being an idiot yourself wont help the situation at all.

Best thing you can do is get out of his way as safely as possible. Pissing them off doesnt really help with agressive drivers. ;)

Games We Play On The Roads. - ANTHONYD - 11-22-2005

I am the enforcer.

The OPP does a horrible job patrolling our hwys....they can use all the help they can get.

I'm kidding.

Games We Play On The Roads. - Euro Ford Fan - 11-22-2005

2001 ZTS,Nov 21 2005, 09:38 AM Wrote:Leave speed enforcement to the cops and keep right except to pass.

Post of the year!!

Games We Play On The Roads. - OAC_Sparky - 11-22-2005

2001 ZTS,Nov 21 2005, 09:38 AM Wrote:Leave speed enforcement to the cops and keep right except to pass.
Well said. Everybody is a wannabe cop until they've got a reason to exceed the speed limit.

I'd rather not bob and weave in and out of traffic, and wouldn't have to if people wouldn't do 99 in the passing lane yapping on their cell phone.

Games We Play On The Roads. - meford4u - 11-22-2005

2001 ZTS,Nov 21 2005, 09:38 AM Wrote:Leave speed enforcement to the cops and keep right except to pass.

Exactly. Are you a cop Anthony? You might think your always right, but if you cause an accident or if your actions and the actions of the dumbass behind you lead to an accident and a third party not involved was killed, could you live with that?

Cops are there for a reason. If you did that to me you'd have a scrape. And I would have no damage and drive off. Sorry, wrong again honey.

Games We Play On The Roads. - NefCanuck - 11-22-2005

The tools I hate are the ones on the highway where I'm in the right lane and I'm coming up behind them. Following the two second rule, I realize that I'm going faster, so I signal and move into the lane on the left to pass.

What Does Mr./Mrs. Tool Time Do?

They proceed to Speed UP! meaning that I can't get back into the right lane and have two choices:

1) Drop back behind them (where they will proceed to drop back to the speed that caused me to pass in the first place :angry: )


2) Punch it and try to pass, sure its dangerous, sure I'm as likely to get a ticket as the idiot trying to play chicken with me but damnit should I have to put up with dangerous and erratic behaviour from this pukestain? <_<


Games We Play On The Roads. - Flofocus - 11-22-2005

NefCanuck,Nov 21 2005, 03:07 PM Wrote:The tools I hate are the ones on the highway where I'm in the right lane and I'm coming up behind them.  Following the two second rule, I realize that I'm going faster, so I signal and move into the lane on the left to pass.

What Does Mr./Mrs. Tool Time Do?

They proceed to Speed UP! meaning that I can't get back into the right lane

I hate those drivers to. :lol:

Games We Play On The Roads. - residentdud - 11-22-2005

Sometimes you can't get out of the way...tractor trailer, a line of cars etc...and already doing 130. I'm not going to eccelerate to 140 150 to get past a wall of vehicles in the middle lane, just for you...besides, you're already do 130...relax. The last thing I want, and I'm sure it's the last thing you want aswell, is to see me suddenly stop, no lights...then into me and the guardrail / pile'o'cars.
I can totally see if the guy's doin 100 80 in the fast lane, move out of the way ass, but most of the time..let's say 70%, I do pass in the middle lane. I usually sit beside for a sec and look over at the passenger which hopefully knows what or why I'm looking over, let's just hope. Theres no sense swerving in front or really "taking off" anyway, why beat you car just cause you want to beat his head?

Games We Play On The Roads. - NefCanuck - 11-22-2005

residentdud,Nov 21 2005, 03:16 PM Wrote:Sometimes you can't get out of the way...tractor trailer, a line of cars etc...and  already doing 130. I'm not going to eccelerate to 140 150 to get past a wall of vehicles in the middle lane, just for you...besides, you're already do 130...relax. The last thing I want, and I'm sure it's the last thing you want aswell, is to see me suddenly stop, no lights...then into me and the guardrail / pile'o'cars.
I can totally see if the guy's doin 100 80 in the fast lane, move out of the way ass, but most of the time..let's say 70%, I do pass in the middle lane. I usually sit beside for a sec and look over at the passenger which hopefully knows what or why I'm looking over, let's just hope. Theres no sense swerving in front or really "taking off" anyway, why beat you car just cause you want to beat his head?

Oh sure, there are times where you are stuck behind The Tool & their Toolmobile, but all you can do in a case like that is grin and bear it until traffic opens up in the passing lane.

What you should not be doing is riding the car in front of you to try and get them to speed up. Two second plus rule has saved my ass on more occassions than I care to count. Including one time on the 401 last winter where a sudden icy patch caused a guy on my right to swerve in front of me and apparently bounce off the guardrail on the far left lane before he continued on his merry way.

Had I been following as closely as the rest of the traffic that night, he would have taken me out along with him :ph34r: As it was I was merely trying to pry my fingers free of the steering wheel the rest of the drive home...


Games We Play On The Roads. - 2001 ZTS - 11-22-2005

I like when 3 cars are side by side on the QEW all with cruise controls on their Buicks all set to 100km/hr. Thats a real special time.

Games We Play On The Roads. - NOS2Go4Me - 11-22-2005

Actually, come to think of it... I play "test the brake lights" quite a bit... I can't stand the idea of some cumshot-gone-bad following too closely... either he/she has a thing for the wife, or they're admiring the pretty reflection off the SS exhaust tip.

No matter how you look at it, I've induced a few stains on drivers' seats as they SLOWLY come to realize... "Oh my god, it's full of brake lights..."