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1 Of The Members Of My Zoo Passed Away - Printable Version

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1 Of The Members Of My Zoo Passed Away - Flofocus - 11-15-2005

Honey, my green iguana died last night. She got a cut about 2 weeks ago on her lip, and it got infected. Meds didnt do anyting, and the infection took over her body. With old age, I dont think she could of fought the infection off. I stayed up with her last night to see if I cold get her to eat, but no go :(

She died sometime last night while I was sleeping.

RIP Honey :(

[Image: 000_0007.jpg]

She was about 28-30 years old, so she lived a LONG life for a captive iguana. I owned her for the past 15 years.

1 Of The Members Of My Zoo Passed Away - Oscar The Grouch - 11-15-2005

Sorry for your loss Nate.

Now I'm starting to miss my old dog. *sigh*

Did you have her buried in the backyard?

1 Of The Members Of My Zoo Passed Away - naz - 11-15-2005

rip man.. i'm sorry for your loss.. as a pet owner myself i fully understand how 'pets' become more like 'friends and people'.. i'm sure she was happy and knew you did the best you could..

1 Of The Members Of My Zoo Passed Away - Flofocus - 11-15-2005

Trying to find a box that will hold a 4 ft iguana. <_< I dont want to be out there for hours barrying her.

She was a great pet, quiet, used the litter box, drool, no excessive barking, no picking up piles of s**t in freezing weather, no clawing on the couch, no trying to kill the other lizards, no dropping off mice at your feet. <_<

And beleive it or not, the girls loved her! :lol: ;)

1 Of The Members Of My Zoo Passed Away - Oscar The Grouch - 11-15-2005

Flofocus,Nov 14 2005, 10:45 AM Wrote:And beleive it or not, the girls loved her!  :lol:  ;)

And that's the best part. :lol:

1 Of The Members Of My Zoo Passed Away - SVT ZX3 - 11-15-2005

RIP, a friend had the same thing happen to her iguana, she had it for many years, then decided to get it a friend (bearded dragon), but I guess the dragon brought something with it, cause a few months later the iguana got a stomach infection, withered away and died.

1 Of The Members Of My Zoo Passed Away - naz - 11-15-2005

Flofocus,Nov 14 2005, 02:45 PM Wrote:She was a great pet, quiet, used the litter box, drool, no excessive barking, no picking up piles of s**t in freezing weather, no clawing on the couch, no trying to kill the other lizards, no dropping off mice at your feet.  <_<

so you were able to train her to do stuff and she interacted with you also? that's so cool i've never had a reptile as a pet.. sounds like the same type of interaction you'd get from a cat or dog!!

1 Of The Members Of My Zoo Passed Away - Flofocus - 11-15-2005

naz,Nov 14 2005, 11:15 AM Wrote:
Flofocus,Nov 14 2005, 02:45 PM Wrote:She was a great pet, quiet, used the litter box, drool, no excessive barking, no picking up piles of s**t in freezing weather, no clawing on the couch, no trying to kill the other lizards, no dropping off mice at your feet.  <_<

so you were able to train her to do stuff and she interacted with you also? that's so cool i've never had a reptile as a pet.. sounds like the same type of interaction you'd get from a cat or dog!!

She wouldnt come when Id say to come, but either does the cat though, haha. But she did recognise the people that were in the house. When she would get cold and there were people around, she would crawl up on your lap and fall asleep soaking in the body heat....very nice lizard, not agressive at all. She scratched her dish for food, perk up when you entered the room, etc....

The stories in a house with 5 roomates with her and she didnt have a cage...haha, remember in the summer putting her ouside in the backyard....nextdoor neighbour came over...

"Dood, theres a dinosaur in your backyard...." :lol:

1 Of The Members Of My Zoo Passed Away - euro_zx5 - 11-15-2005

Sorry to hear. I also know how pets become so close to us... so I can understand your loss.

Are you planning on a new iguana? Or are you going to wait it out and plan for one down the road?

1 Of The Members Of My Zoo Passed Away - ANTHONYD - 11-15-2005


1 Of The Members Of My Zoo Passed Away - Flofocus - 11-15-2005

euro_zx5,Nov 14 2005, 11:43 AM Wrote:Sorry to hear. I also know how pets become so close to us... so I can understand your loss.

Are you planning on a new iguana? Or are you going to wait it out and plan for one down the road?

No, I still have two rather large liazrds that are still very young. I also have one less 'mouth to feed' if you know what Im Saturday afternoons was dedicated to cleaning aquariums and cages, and she was in one big cage to clean, less chores to do now. With all the travelling Im doing for work lately, it wouldnt make sense to replace her.

1 Of The Members Of My Zoo Passed Away - winnipegkevin - 11-15-2005

Too bad to hear that. My iguana died of kidney failure at about 15 years old in '03. They make interesting pets for those with the time for them.

1 Of The Members Of My Zoo Passed Away - microbunny - 11-15-2005

Sorry to here least you had many good years together!


1 Of The Members Of My Zoo Passed Away - NefCanuck - 11-15-2005

Condolences on your loss. I lost a family pet back in '03. Sometimes I swear I can still hear that cat yowling for attention :(


1 Of The Members Of My Zoo Passed Away - crazikev - 11-15-2005

**ponders in deep thought**



1 Of The Members Of My Zoo Passed Away - focusonthis88 - 11-16-2005

Sorry man about the lose. Was that the one you put in your closet? If yes, it was really nice. And it really looked like a dinosaur. :)