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Darwin & 0wn3d - 2001 ZTS - 07-07-2009

Street raserZs FTW:

Quote:"Two young men are dead and a woman is seriously injured after a two-seater convertible rolled over a guardrail on the Don Valley Parkway last night in what police say was street racing.

Little is known of where or why the race started between a red Nissan 300 ZX convertible and a white sports car.

The Nissan was registered to a Roma Bhagiratti. Last night, a relative at the Bhagiratti home in Scarborough identified the driver as Adam Bhagiratti, 21."

In true darwinian spirit the car that fled the scene was his Facebook friend and there is a tagged picture of the car the cops are looking for on his Facebook page:

Quote:His Facebook profile includes photos, in a shared album called "Fine Men With Fine Cars," of a red Nissan 300ZX sitting beside a white sports car that appears to be a Mitsubishi Lancer. An electronic "tag" on the white car names one of Bhagiratti's Facebook friends - a young man who created the photo album.


Darwin & 0wn3d - NikiterZTS - 07-07-2009

Yeah I read it this morning TSC as it was one of the memeber's friends.

Either way what can I say? Young,stupid, daddy's stock auto Lancer?

Darwin & 0wn3d - 2001 ZTS - 07-07-2009

^^ Oh it gets worse/stupider I see.

Why am I not surprised.

Darwin & 0wn3d - darkpuppet - 07-08-2009

that explains the back-up of traffic on the DVP lastnight -- thank god I was riding my bike to vball instead of getting caught in the traffic jam.

That area of the DVP is pretty popular with the stupid kids -- I had a line of squiddies riding around me as I was trying to come off the bayview off/on ramp.

Darwin & 0wn3d - ZX3_2NV - 07-08-2009

3 pple in a car with two seats I wonder if the two that passed were the ones wearing the seatbelts.

Darwin & 0wn3d - NikiterZTS - 07-08-2009

ZX3_2NV,Jul 7 2009, 11:23 AM Wrote:3 pple in a car with two seats I wonder if the two that passed were the ones wearing the seatbelts.

the driver in red 300ZX was wearing a seat belt but still died.......but the guy in the passenger seat was NOT wearing a seat belt so he flew out of the car and died...a girl who was sitting on his lap flew out but she's ok

Darwin & 0wn3d - ZX3_2NV - 07-08-2009

Wow I also just heard that the guy in the passanger seat is the owner of the white lancer that they wanted to blame for leaving the scene and his lanser has been imobile in the shop for the last 2 weeks. See how quick the media jumps on this street racing crap and make up there own stories.

Darwin & 0wn3d - 2001 ZTS - 07-08-2009

Irregardless of the details it is these dumbasses who make life difficult for the rest of us.

There is a REAL chance thanks to them that potentailly any one of a large number of us here could be doing nothing at all unsafe but be in the wrong place at the wrong time and still get lumped together with them and lose our cars, $10G and all the associated garbage that goes with it.

I can so easily see myself being picked up by an airplane on a clear dry straight country road/400 series somewhere for doing 50 over the limit doing nothing at all unsafe to me or anyone but charged the same as if I were doing at night downtown on the DVP.

Darwin & 0wn3d - Focus man. Focus. - 07-08-2009

The way I see it, call it street racing or just 50 over by yourself you deserve the ticket, impoundment, and all the increased insurance rates that come along with it. Its these morons that give true enthusiasts a bad name.