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Tailgaters - residentdud - 11-08-2005

I was on my was home lastnight at about 9:30pm and two funny experiences in the Saug. First wa on Dundas and Hwy 10, going west on Dundas this punk in a shatbox honda was so close to my rear bumper, I was just holding on and waiting. He pulls up beside me and I could tell this idiots girlfriend was freaking out...he of course looked like he needed a slap around by me as well. He revs it up at the light...I have a minivan infront of me...he takes off. At this point I slowly, while laughing I slowly merge in, around the van, and out of his lane. I catch up to this guy and looks over and gives me the " what's up?" head motion. We get to the light...he turns right? Then on Winston Churchill north at Derry...Im at the light rolling off the line and this dumbass in a lime green Kia is so riding my I take off to about 80 and he catches up, and decides to ride my bumper again?!? WTF??? He merges HARD into the other lane and thinks he's getting by me??? I dont think so. I look at him, he looks over at me , then as I put my pedal down he can see there is no chance. At the next light he wouldn't even look at me, then pulls into the gas staion as traffic starts to move. These idiots out there trying to cause problems for people including themselves by tailgating, swerving in and out of lanes, and trying to be tough guys behind the wheel, should realizes these aren't the hotwheels you were playing with lastyear...these kill. This guy in the green Kia, I thought was pretty hardcore since from his side mirror to the road were performace upgrade stickers, lol, idiot. I have one sticker on my kit, stock rims, nice rubber , a sleeper...and he wants to race me? Word to buddy: take off the stickers and the spoiler...they're slowing you down. Thing is...I don't race my car on the street...lastnight was the exception (10:30pm Kia) I dont race at all really, and if YOU do please dont kill me by tailgating me...I'll lock her up and your poor little skirt package will get the taste of my original equipment, hahaha.

Tailgaters - Flofocus - 11-08-2005


Tailgaters - Slimsride - 11-08-2005

Those are the day you wish you drove a big old 60's caddy, or a 70's style vehicle like an LTD....

if i did have a vehicle like this i would SOOOOO stomp on the brakes.....and laugh a devils laugh as i watch in my rear view mirror as my rear bumper is causing his new shiney plastic vehicle put it's newly designed crumple zones to the test.

FAWKING retards.....that'll learn 'em.

Tailgaters - NefCanuck - 11-08-2005

Geez, what is it with these little deathtraps and their brain dead drivers? :blink:

On Saturday night I'm heading back to my place from the east end, its miserable, raining, I've got the fogs on, sitting in the right lane on the 401E express doing about 100km/h...

Doesn't some tool in a black Honda running only his DRL's come up behind me and sit on my bumper for nearly 10km? I mean the left lane was free, if he wanted he could have easily passed me and gone and gotten himself killed (and done the gene pool a favour <_< )

Lord, times like that I wish I had a smokescreen function on the Focus :lol:


Tailgaters - 2001 ZTS - 11-08-2005

Flofocus,Nov 7 2005, 03:42 PM Wrote:Ihaventreadyourpostyetbutpleaseuseparagraphs.Itshardtoread.


Tailgaters - mo_focus - 11-08-2005

i usually move side to side and they think i'm drunk and they back off :)

Tailgaters - Flofocus - 11-08-2005

mo_focus,Nov 7 2005, 04:58 PM Wrote:i usually move side to side and they think i'm drunk and they back off :)

:lol: You to heh.

It sucks when they call the cops really it does. They dont beleive you when you say "But officer, I really wasn't drunk"

"The breathaliser will let me know"


Tailgaters - hardk0re - 11-08-2005

I stop at all yellow lights obey all speed limits preying that they hit me and do a good number on my car....

A new car, some free massage therapy, and an excuse not to go to work for a few days! SIGN ME UP!

Tailgaters - Euro Ford Fan - 11-08-2005

hardk0re,Nov 7 2005, 04:11 PM Wrote:I stop at all yellow lights obey all speed limits preying that they hit me and do a good number on my car....

A new car, some free massage therapy, and an excuse not to go to work for a few days! SIGN ME UP!

Yeah but odds are you will get hit by someone with no insurance. I used to think that way until it happened to one of my friends. He got hit, the guy had no insurance and no assets either. His car was a write off and he spent the next 10 months recovering from vertigo whiplash and a whole host of other things.

Tailgaters - residentdud - 11-08-2005

Euro Ford Fan,Nov 7 2005, 09:22 PM Wrote:
hardk0re,Nov 7 2005, 04:11 PM Wrote:I stop at all yellow lights obey all speed limits preying that they hit me and do a good number on my car....

A new car, some free massage therapy, and an excuse not to go to work for a few days! SIGN ME UP!

Yeah but odds are you will get hit by someone with no insurance. I used to think that way until it happened to one of my friends. He got hit, the guy had no insurance and no assets either. His car was a write off and he spent the next 10 months recovering from vertigo whiplash and a whole host of other things.

The last thing I want to do is wreck my car, I love my car, but it's these people's
fault that when I pull up to a light I get a dirty look, or maybe not a dirty look
----space---- know, cause my car is looking and running great. Maybe it's jealousy? I
don't know, but when the guy is running from light to light and screaming around
corners, maybe he has a problem.


Tailgaters - Slimsride - 11-08-2005

thanks for typing out the word SPACE...i would have never thought to put a space there when reading it.....

Tailgaters - Flofocus - 11-08-2005

residentdud,Nov 7 2005, 05:54 PM Wrote:  The last thing I want to do is wreck my car, I love my car, but it's these people's
fault that when I pull up to a light I get a dirty look, or maybe not a dirty look
                                                ----space----                                   know, cause my car is looking and running great. Maybe it's jealousy? I
don't know, but when the guy is running from light to light and screaming around
corners, maybe he has a problem.


Nice. Much better. :lol: :lol:

Tailgaters - crazikev - 11-08-2005

My Dad has the best story of someone tailgating EVAR!

He works with this guy who drove this old Chevy pickup a long time ago.

Someone was tailgating this guys @$$ really close, so he slams on the brakes! The tailgater swerved INTO THE DITCH! he didn't even hit the truck he just went into the ditch!!!!!!!

If i was him, i would be laughing so hard i would either have a heart attack or hit a pole from laughing so hard!

Tailgaters - paolo - 11-08-2005

I hve a nice story to share from 2 days ago.. what do u do when your opeying the speed limit, your approaching an intersection and the light is about to turn red, well, the only thing I could do was drive normally and stop at the line before the intersection, then i realized as I was stopping, the guy behind me, wasnt slowing down, it looked like he was speeding, he probaly assumed i was going to run the red light, fak that, I stopped, so the guy nearly ran into my back end,.. so he thinks its cool to change into the next lane beside me.. hes now beside me and pissed off, he goes and opens the window, spits on the side of my car.. then yells something in arabic., he comes out of his car, and walks up to my drives side, while yelling at me in arabic or somehting, at this point i have windows rolled up, and closed, doors locked, sitting in my car, waiting for him to go back into his car, he does, the light turns green, he is then pacing behind me, faking guy wont give up, hes purposly slowing down traffic in HIS lane just so he can pace beside me in my lane which is going slow because the traffic is heavier in my lane., what a tool, I just HAD to call in his plates at the closest rest-point. this guy could have seriously done something, what the heck makes people snap like this? they dont deserve to be on the road,.

Tailgaters - Raine - 11-08-2005

Residentdud, you're just as much at fault in this as the other two drivers. Why are you going above the speed limit and trying to be cool by flying past a guy in a Kia?

I am bad for tailgating, but that's tailgating in Scarborough, where the chinese think that going "Maximum 60" means they will get a ticket at that speed, so they go everywhere at 50 or less. Fackin ridiculous. I don't waste my time racing people. Why risk my life, someone else's life, or even just take the risk of getting a ticket? Not worth it chum. My g/f taught me that.

Tailgaters - mo_focus - 11-08-2005

paolo,Nov 7 2005, 11:50 PM Wrote:I hve a nice story to share from 2 days ago.. what do u do when your opeying the speed limit, your approaching an intersection and the light is about to turn red, well, the only thing I could do was drive normally and stop at the line before the intersection, then i realized as I was stopping, the guy behind me, wasnt slowing down, it looked like he was speeding,  he probaly assumed i was going to run the red light, fak that, I stopped, so the guy nearly ran into my back end,.. so he thinks its cool to change into the next lane beside me..  hes now beside me and pissed off, he goes and opens the window, spits on the side of my car.. then yells something in arabic., he comes out of his car, and walks up to my drives side, while yelling at me in arabic or somehting, at this point i have windows rolled up, and closed, doors locked, sitting in my car, waiting for him to go back into his car,   he does, the light turns green, he is then pacing behind me, faking guy wont give up, hes purposly slowing down traffic in HIS lane just so he can pace beside me in my lane which is going slow because the traffic is heavier in my lane.,  what a tool,  I just HAD to call in his plates at the closest rest-point.  this guy could have seriously done something, what the heck makes people snap like this? they dont deserve to be on the road,.

haha, call immigration and tell him there was a suiside bomber following you

Tailgaters - crazikev - 11-08-2005

i have a story almost the same as paleo's.
Some guy was turning in the turning lane(one of those lanes where it turns for a sec, then just merges in with the other lane[left turn]). We he goes in that lane with his blinker and then just drives straight through, and i look to my left and we are side by side in one lane.
Im thinking" you !$# moron don't you know how to drive?", so he slows down and get in behind me. At the lights, im 5th in line, and HE Pulls into the left turning lane again! AND STOPS BESIDE ME!! He stopped to give me a real bad look, but i looked at him, i struck fear into him with the look i gave him, a serial killer look, a im gonna @%^# tear your face off and eat it look.
So he speeds off to the lights, and then he !$@# cut my lane of traffic off and went straight in a frigin downtown busy intersection of St. Catherines. what a !@$% moron! (BTW, this is when i was driving a big red 86' chevy truck)
next time im gonna have a sledge hammer in my car, 10 lbs., someone wants to do something to me they are gonna pay the price! muhuhahaha :lol:(lol ok maybe not but you get the point)

Tailgaters - residentdud - 11-08-2005

Raine,Nov 8 2005, 12:34 AM Wrote:Residentdud, you're just as much at fault in this as the other two drivers. Why are you going above the speed limit and trying to be cool by flying past a guy in a Kia?

I am bad for tailgating, but that's tailgating in Scarborough, where the chinese think that going "Maximum 60" means they will get a ticket at that speed, so they go everywhere at 50 or less. Fackin ridiculous. I don't waste my time racing people. Why risk my life, someone else's life, or even just take the risk of getting a ticket? Not worth it chum. My g/f taught me that.

So now I'm at fault cause he's an idiot? They were the ones tailgating,,,it's just when he thought he was cool by swerving out in the other lane to pass, he just didn't have enough of a car to get the job done, lol. When people tailgate I only go slower to piss them off not faster

Tailgaters - residentdud - 11-08-2005

the 10lb sledge is too heavy...I've got a piece of 1000mcm coreflex(wire) under my seat

Tailgaters - 2001 ZTS - 11-08-2005

All you have to do is put on your 4 way flashers, they'll think your car is breaking down. Very convincing when you happen to be in a Focus.

When I was on the motorcycle and being tailgated used saprk plugs used to keep falling out of my pockets for some reason?