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Think I'll Send Timmy's The Bill - residentdud - 10-26-2005

Does anyone have serious issues with Tim Horton's cups? Every time I get a coffee the lips seems to want to pop off. And now I have to say that my car has taken the worst of it. Yesterday I took my car out for a bit and went up through the Belfountain area...nice roads, amazing scenery, tough corners :) and then it everywhere! even on the dash! F***!! The shitty thing, I didnt clean it when I got home (pouring out) and now I have to deal...s**t.

Think I'll Send Timmy's The Bill - laidman - 10-26-2005

unfortunately its not the cups, its the employees. If they don't push down hard on the lids they will do that. I had just recieved one from a counter girl, and the cup seemed to implode into itself. Coffee all over the counter. They were extremely appologetic, and I got a new one, and $5 off coupons.

Think I'll Send Timmy's The Bill - euro_zx5 - 10-26-2005

Seems to happen to me all the time, but i've been in the habit of double checking the lids every time I get my ice cap's and hot choclate's.

Think I'll Send Timmy's The Bill - 2001 ZTS - 10-26-2005

This country is going American so fast. It's getting to be like the people here are getting to the point where they need to be told: "Warning, coffee can be hot" and ghey stuff like that.

If someone is going to drive around the twisties of Belfountain with a paper cup of coffee it could be reasonably assummed said coffee WILL spill. Either don't drink while driving or get a travel mug, that is the reason travel mugs were invented and can be found in just about every store you can think of.

Think I'll Send Timmy's The Bill - hardk0re - 10-26-2005

I just ask for a medium coffee in a large cup, if I ever do order coffee...
I have serious issues with paying $1.10 for something I could make at home for a few pennies and usually tastes better.....

Think I'll Send Timmy's The Bill - darkpuppet - 10-26-2005

thank god I don't drink coffee

Think I'll Send Timmy's The Bill - ANTHONYD - 10-26-2005

Check the seam on the actual cup. If it is in between the mouth hole, reseal the lid.

Think I'll Send Timmy's The Bill - Frost__2001 - 10-27-2005

darkpuppet,Oct 26 2005, 08:40 AM Wrote:thank god I don't drink coffee

Me too, but I can totally answer these questions as I'm at work, and have been dealing with the for many years.

1. When the coffee / drink leaves the hands of an employee, or store ( like out the drive thru window ) it's not Tim Horton's fault if something happens out side the store. Tim Horton's will not have to pay damages to you to clean your car, or chothes or what ever else your trying to clam. We are only allowed to do the following:

a. Applogize, and replace the drink for free.
b. take a complaint if you wish, which will go to TDL head office and they will tell you the above.
c. offer you your money back, or give you a " gift booklet " as an applogie.
d. offer A and sometimes C which is what most people take anyways.

Really it's a realistc rule / policy as they don't know how you drive to spill your coffee, or what way you put it, etc......... or trying to run a scam like some people do this to get another coffee free etc....

2. there are two types of cup lids Tim Horton's uses. they are made at confrance cups in Brantford, and London, the Flat style lids have a small notch running up the middle of the cup.... these lids are completely crap. they don't make a good seal on the cups themselfs. The classic style has a small diviot in the front to open the lid correctly and it's the better of the two styles, but there is a fault with the lids, if they crack on the rim, they leak, or if the small steam hold is blocked up a bit it will cause it to leak, Medium being the worst.

3. Medium costs $1.20 with taxes in Ontario, and most of the country

4. best way to tell if the lid is not on correctly is to look for a lifted edge on the lid, if there is one, it's going to leak on you as the lid is not on correctly.

I'd answer more but my break is almost up.

Think I'll Send Timmy's The Bill - NefCanuck - 10-27-2005

That sucks, me I can barely walk to the table with the cup & lid, no friggin way am I even gonna attempt to drink it while driving, hell even as a passenger I've fried myself when the driver makes a sudden course correction. I stick to bottles in the car with lids (Which fit really nicely in the door divots on the '05 Focus :) )


Think I'll Send Timmy's The Bill - ANTHONYD - 10-27-2005

The fact that you even attempt ANYTHING while driving scares the ba-jeebus out of me.

Think I'll Send Timmy's The Bill - NefCanuck - 10-27-2005

ANTHONYD,Oct 26 2005, 11:14 AM Wrote:The fact that you even attempt ANYTHING while driving scares the ba-jeebus out of me.

Says the guy who with a co-pilot couldn't follow the directions to get to the Barrie BBQ ;)

(Ah, how soon they forget :rofl:)

Think I'll Send Timmy's The Bill - residentdud - 10-27-2005

Whoa!....I was just kidding about the bill, take it easy people. Just wanted to rant alittle. me something else to do on Saturday along with installing my suspension. Has anyone done their own, cause I might be just alittle worried about the whole thing...all I've been hearing are horror stories.

Think I'll Send Timmy's The Bill - paolo - 10-27-2005

laidman,Oct 26 2005, 06:34 AM Wrote:unfortunately its not the cups, its the employees.  If they don't push down hard on the lids they will do that.[right][snapback]151595[/snapback][/right]

Haha, I was just gonna say that too!!! They never manage to snap my lid on tight when ever I order coffee, so I sometimes tell them to make sure the lid closes good.

Think I'll Send Timmy's The Bill - NOS2Go4Me - 10-27-2005

I've never had that happen before, and I love taking the twisty roads with the new rims.