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Happy Turkey Day! - Printable Version

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Happy Turkey Day! - Frost__2001 - 10-11-2005

Well it's the Canadian thanksgiving holiday today, and what are you thankful for with-in the past year ?

Myself, I have to say I'm thankful for myself going back to school and getting my high school deplomia :D ( yes I was a drop out <_< ), and To my aunt for helping me out twice with all the bank confusion earlier this year :D , and on all the how toos from some of you on tips when it came to the car :D . Plus a few more things I can't remember at this point lol................. :lol:

Happy Turkey Day! - crazikev - 10-11-2005

thank you Ford for making my Focus :lol:

Happy Turkey Day! - ANTHONYD - 10-11-2005

I'm thankful for an extra day off.

Happy Turkey Day! - Oscar The Grouch - 10-11-2005

ANTHONYD,Oct 10 2005, 01:25 PM Wrote:I'm thankful for an extra day off.

I'm thankful for the "Paid" day off!!! :P

I'm thankful that I finished all of my courses for my designation.

I'm really thankful that my whole family is in good health.

Happy Turkey Day! - dlb - 10-11-2005

thankful my son is not in jail ( yet ) :lol:

Happy Turkey Day! - Raine - 10-11-2005

I'm thankful that the world is as facked up as it is, because I can be the angry, prejudicial sonofabitch that I am and it's not only accepted, but I'm seen as someone who could enact change and progress in society.

Happy Turkey Day! - euro_zx5 - 10-11-2005

That was (no joke) one of the things I mentioned to be happy for today. :lol:

Happy Turkey Day! - torradan - 10-11-2005

Well I'm not one of you..

But I am thankful that my boss is understanding that my "new" family has holidays that don't match up with our holidays down here, and gives me the days off I need, no questions asked. (sans pay, but oh well).

Happy Turkey Day! - meford4u - 10-11-2005

I am thankful for all the women of the world who are so beautiful to look at and gawk over.

I am thankful for beer.

I am thankful that when I'm lonely I have to fawk with.

I am thankful that I am soooooooo smart and you are so dumb it's just too easy.

I am thankful for my boyish good looks

I am thankful for my wife's boobs.

I am thankful enough people (stupid IMO) buy the Fuckstar to keep me semi employed.

Happy Turkey Day! - paolo - 10-11-2005

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=5959.jpg]

Happy Thanksgiving, I'm thankfull that I have a good job, a great car to get me to work & back, a wonderful family, and health & well being!

Happy Turkey Day! - FocusGuy7476 - 10-11-2005

i've come to the conculsion that no one get laid on thanksgiving, think its cause all the coats are on the bed.

oh, i'm thankful for Geogre Carlin

Happy Turkey Day! - NefCanuck - 10-11-2005

Thankful to be upright and breathing 'cause I'm betting the alternative right royally sucks :lol:

(Roasting Big Bird? -shudder-)

Happy Turkey Day! - NOS2Go4Me - 10-11-2005

I'm thankful for the life I never thought I'd have.

I'm thankful that at least one pair of grandparents got to come to our wedding this year.

I'm thankful that we got to move into our first house this year.

I'm even thankful that the Focus is turning out to be a downright dependable car.

And heck, I'm thankful that the people are here when I need modding ideas or just to get ideas about what to do next to the car. :)

Yes, I missed this topic yesterday :P

Happy Turkey Day! - darkpuppet - 10-12-2005

I'm thankful that Raine isn't in a position of power.

I'm thankful I haven't gone crazy yet.

Happy Turkey Day! - ANTHONYD - 10-12-2005

darkpuppet,Oct 11 2005, 01:51 PM Wrote:I'm thankful that Raine isn't in a position of power.

I'm thankful I haven't gone crazy yet.


Happy Turkey Day! - Flofocus - 10-12-2005

Thank you for whoever invented Turbo's