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Car Wouldnt Start - Printable Version

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Car Wouldnt Start - 05blackzx5 - 10-03-2005

i put the key in the ignition and pressed the cluth down and tha car wouldnt turn over, we look a lil closer under the clutch pedal and see the clutch wasnt pushing the neutral saftey switch all the way down, wtf is that s**t tha car is an 05 and already stuck dealin wit s**t like that. and of course it would have to happen on a sat when i cant take it to a dealer all weekend.

anyone else have a similar prob with their standard foci

Car Wouldnt Start - Raine - 10-03-2005

That's pathetic... an 05 and it won't even start... POS

Car Wouldnt Start - 05blackzx5 - 10-03-2005

dude you should see you have to reach under the dash and push the button behind the clutch by hand and turn the key in the ignition at the same time to get it to start right now

i guess u could call it a low budget anti theft switch lol

Car Wouldnt Start - Raine - 10-03-2005

I believe it. Hell look at my thread about how my key wouldn't even go into the ignition and cost me over $400 to fix! Bad enough on it's own, but the number of other people that have had the problem as well is what's disturbing. Ford mustn't want people driving their cars eh?

Car Wouldnt Start - scoobasteve - 10-04-2005

is there a chance you kicked the switch with your foot....

i dont see the the pedal not hitting the switch unless something happened.

Car Wouldnt Start - _JC_ - 10-04-2005

i had the same problem replaced once ...and i think it needs replacing agian my cruise controll is not working now

Car Wouldnt Start - SLIP STREAM SVT - 10-04-2005

i don't see how the cluth pedal can't reach the floor to touch the ignition switch. you musta moved it somehow.