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How Come My Comments Never Appear In The Feedback? - Printable Version

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How Come My Comments Never Appear In The Feedback? - Raine - 09-03-2005

I've submitted threads for Paolo and Bluetoy, and my comments haven't appeared in either, but after the thread is posted by darkpuppet, other people's comments have.

How Come My Comments Never Appear In The Feedback? - 2001 ZTS - 09-03-2005

You suck?

How Come My Comments Never Appear In The Feedback? - bluetoy - 09-03-2005

You gotta wait for DP to check them first. They'll be there shortly.

How Come My Comments Never Appear In The Feedback? - darkpuppet - 09-03-2005

if you post the 1st thread, I just create the thread, I don't look at the contents. The purpose being that you request to have it added, I add the feedback, then you can reply to it.

it's the laziest way for me to create threads for the ratings that only the mod/admin can edit.