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Microsoft Wipes Apple Off The Map - Printable Version

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Microsoft Wipes Apple Off The Map - darkpuppet - 07-27-2005

from this article

Quote:WASHINGTON (AP) - As software rivals, Microsoft wants to wipe Apple Computer off the map. With Microsoft's new Web service for satellite photographs, did the world's largest software company find a way to do exactly that?

Internet sleuths discovered that anyone using Microsoft's new "Virtual Earth" Web site for a bird's-eye view of Apple's corporate headquarters saw only a grainy overhead photograph of what appears to be a single, nondescript warehouse and a deserted parking lot - not Apple's sprawling campus, with 11 modern buildings surrounding a plush courtyard.

Microsoft blames an outdated photograph. But Apple's headquarters in Silicon Valley shows up more appropriately for anyone viewing the same location using Google's mapping Web site, which also combines many of the same government-funded satellite and aerial overhead photographs.

Is Microsoft's version of the landscape a fantasy for Bill Gates?

Microsoft Wipes Apple Off The Map - NOS2Go4Me - 07-27-2005


Microsoft Wipes Apple Off The Map - scoobasteve - 07-27-2005


Microsoft Wipes Apple Off The Map - ANTHONYD - 07-27-2005

I'm sure there are some smelly dorky programmers out there lauging it up as we speak.

Microsoft Wipes Apple Off The Map - Mason - 07-27-2005

Wow its true.... Microsoft can mold the world they way they want to.

Microsoft Wipes Apple Off The Map - K_OS - 07-27-2005

Microsoft wishes it was that easy to get rid of Apple.

Laterz :)

Microsoft Wipes Apple Off The Map - NOS2Go4Me - 07-27-2005

I guess because Apple is adopting Intel Heatfarm 4 processors with HyperFission technology, MS figures it's a "fait accompli" and decided to get a little bit of promo work done :P

Microsoft Wipes Apple Off The Map - paolo - 07-27-2005

you know what they say, if u cant beat em, join em. Sooner or later, microsoft or apple will buy eachother out, or merge, or something...

Microsoft Wipes Apple Off The Map - Raine - 07-27-2005


Microsoft Wipes Apple Off The Map - K_OS - 07-28-2005

paolo,Jul 26 2005, 02:53 PM Wrote:you know what they say, if u cant beat em,  join em.  Sooner or later, microsoft or apple will buy eachother out, or merge, or something...

No can do Apple has enough on it's plate with iPods, the new Intel Macs, OS X.5, they don't need to be screwing around with bad code and fixing up MS's security screw ups.

Laterz :)

Microsoft Wipes Apple Off The Map - Focused - 07-28-2005

i think they wiped canada out of there too....either that or they were too cheap to buy the hi-res shots of canada........bastards!!!

Microsoft Wipes Apple Off The Map - paolo - 07-29-2005

K_OS,Jul 27 2005, 04:02 PM Wrote:No can do Apple has enough on it's plate with iPods, the new Intel Macs, OS X.5, they don't need to be screwing around with bad code and fixing up MS's security screw ups.

Laterz :)

In other news, the Microsoft iPod scheduled for release today, got delayed AGAIN, this time, due to a Windows Software Glitch