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Go Train Hit Car On Pottery Road - Printable Version

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Go Train Hit Car On Pottery Road - darkpuppet - 06-24-2005

wish I had thought to pull out my camera phone, but as i was riding down to pottery road, I noticed that the police had cordoned off the exit from bayview...


and then I saw it, a go train full of passengers stopped on the line....

being on a bike, went to check it out.. was nothing major.. just some old guy pulled his car up to the tracks, the barriers went down, and the train took the bumper of his car clean off.

pretty humorous as nobody got hurt.

Go Train Hit Car On Pottery Road - ANTHONYD - 06-24-2005


Go Train Hit Car On Pottery Road - dBlast - 06-24-2005

Not so lucky was the Rabbi that got killed by a Go train at a crossing in Thornhill about a month ago. I pass those tracks every day and I get an eerie feeling. :( You can still see the scars on the road on either side of the tracks from the wheels of the car that got pushed 500m down the tracks.

Go Train Hit Car On Pottery Road - Raine - 06-24-2005

k, how do you get hit by a train unintentionally? Either your car stalls on the tracks and you don't jump out when you hear the alarms, or you're trying to get in before the barriers drop...

Go Train Hit Car On Pottery Road - scoobasteve - 06-25-2005

they said he was old. He probably was blind and confused too haha

Go Train Hit Car On Pottery Road - NOS2Go4Me - 06-25-2005

"Is this the return aisle at the Beer Store? I hear bottles clanking together!"

"Sir, that's the bell of a train crossing."

"Why the hell would someone put a train crossing through a Beer Store????"

:lol: :rofl: