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Installed! (56k Warning? Maybe? Probably Not) - Printable Version

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Installed! (56k Warning? Maybe? Probably Not) - Raine - 05-02-2005

So what did you do this Sunday, May 1st? I, after owning my damned car for over 2 years, finally did a mod I wanted to do since day one... got my rims on the car :D here's how it went, and sorry about the poor pic quality. Camera phone and all... Will get out the proper digital cam tomorrow if anyone cares to see pics... I'll have to clean it up tho... damned car is filthy :P

Mounting the first of the new tires

[Image: ri1.jpg]

First Wheel ready to go on!

[Image: ri2.jpg]

Car with Stock rims waiting patiently for its upgrade

[Image: ri3.jpg]

Out with the old, in with the new!

[Image: ri4.jpg]

Half way done!

[Image: ri5.jpg]

The finished product!

[Image: ri6.jpg]

Many thanks again to Rubberman, who hooks me up with tires and beer whenever I make the trip out there.

Installed! (56k Warning? Maybe? Probably Not) - dBlast - 05-02-2005

Nice! :banger:

The 17" rims and the drop really convert the look of the focus.

Installed! (56k Warning? Maybe? Probably Not) - NOS2Go4Me - 05-02-2005

Nice work Raine!

Installed! (56k Warning? Maybe? Probably Not) - meford4u - 05-02-2005

much better.

about time fuktard

Installed! (56k Warning? Maybe? Probably Not) - ANTHONYD - 05-02-2005

Boy I sure like those rims. :lol:

Installed! (56k Warning? Maybe? Probably Not) - S2 - 05-02-2005

Looking good!

Installed! (56k Warning? Maybe? Probably Not) - MAlby7 - 05-03-2005

Al, you finally did it. How's it feel now?

Installed! (56k Warning? Maybe? Probably Not) - focusonthis88 - 05-03-2005

Looks nice...It gives a new look to the focus. Nice!

Installed! (56k Warning? Maybe? Probably Not) - Raine - 05-03-2005

MAlby7,May 2 2005, 09:10 AM Wrote:Al, you finally did it.  How's it feel now?

Not as bad as I had expected at all. You feel all the little cracks in the road, but it's not as bumpy or anything as I figured it would be. The tires still have shine on them and were dusty on the way home so I found they were a little slippy in certain spots, but I'm sure they'll be better now that I've worn them in (250 km on them from Bob's shop to my place). Certainly make the car more eager to turn, and I suppose that's because of the wider area of contact. I think when I get the car painted I'll get the fenders rolled a little just to make sure if I have a bunch of people in the car there aren't any rubbing issues, but aside from that they feel great. I'm just glad I finally got something other than stock on there. I look at pics of the stock wheels and I honest to god cringe :P

Thanks for all the comments guys :)