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This Made Me Smile This Morning - NOS2Go4Me - 05-05-2009

It's about f***ING TIME.

Now, aside from getting his B.S. charge dropped, the only thing left to do is to fire / roast alive the principal who said that the kid shouldn't be in ANY school at all. What an ass! :angry:

This Made Me Smile This Morning - oldeguy - 05-05-2009

You would think that with School Boards having declining enrolements, and schools getting funding on a per student basis, the Board would want to keep as many "customers" as possible. The Principal was probably looking at having a student who could beat the crap out of anyone in the school and didn't want to deal with the possibilities. This whole incident was handled completely wrong, and the Principal should be sent to a Kindergarten to Grade Six location, somewhere less involved.

This Made Me Smile This Morning - Flofocus - 05-05-2009

jacki channed his ass. :ph34r: :lol:

This Made Me Smile This Morning - NOS2Go4Me - 05-05-2009

oldeguy,May 5 2009, 07:57 AM Wrote:You would think that with School Boards having declining enrolements, and schools getting funding on a per student basis, the Board would want to keep as many "customers" as possible. The Principal was probably looking at having a student who could beat the crap out of anyone in the school and didn't want to deal with the possibilities. This whole incident was handled completely wrong, and the Principal should be sent to a Kindergarten to Grade Six location, somewhere less involved.

The principal should be sent to Afghanistan or Iraq, where he'll come to appreciate just how easy he had it in Canada. Perhaps then he'll be a little less racist and a little more accepting of the fact that kids won't allow themselves to be bullied anymore, or tolerate racial slurs.

This Made Me Smile This Morning - oldeguy - 05-05-2009

I work for a School Board, and I see these type of "people", Principals, who are afraid to make decisions which teach the old school justice, they don't want to screw up their pensions. Not to defend him/her/it, but, we have to remember that they have never been out in the real world, they've always been in school. :blink:

This Made Me Smile This Morning - ZTWsquared - 05-06-2009

oldeguy,May 5 2009, 07:43 AM Wrote:I work for a School Board, and I see these type of "people", Principals, who are afraid to make decisions which teach the old school justice, they don't want to screw up their pensions. Not to defend him/her/it, but, we have to remember that they have never been out in the real world, they've always been in school. :blink:
This is exactly why parents have to be informed, active and engaged with their kids' school ... thankfully in the case of the Korean kid the outcome was eventually the right one. WTF - not only did the other kid abuse him verbally, he actually punched him the face first - under the circumstances a left hand in response should be considered measured and controlled.

My son was the victim of a bully in school and it took 3 meetings and 2 letters with the principal of their school and an "incident" before they would 1) acknowledge the bully had a problem, and 2) do more than pay lip service to their anti-bully program and actually engage the bully's parents - who apparently had no idea their son was acting like that.

What brought the whole thing to a head was when my daughter (blue belt Tae Kwon Do and tough as nails) caught the bully hitting my son at recess and took him down giving him a bloody nose and sprained wrist in the process. This was one of the few circumstances where she knows she is allowed to use her skills in public.

She was of course sent to the office and I was called. The meeting started with "your daughter should not be doing such things" ... but after my controlled but heated input ended as "we're sorry Mr. Webster we will do better to control this bully" and "of course there is no consequence for you daughter."

There's a lot to be recommended for a society that trys to focus on non-violence as a response to aggression ... but my kids know that in a physical attack they have the green light to do whatever it takes to subdue the attacker - whatever it takes no holds barred; and they know that whatever the outcome I will go to the mat for them.

Amd now the school knows that in the absence of their controlling a situation, my kids know they have my permission to take care of it themselves.

This Made Me Smile This Morning - NOS2Go4Me - 05-06-2009

+1 for your parenting skills, Ken. Not that you needed my accolades or anything, but...

We need more people like you properly supporting their kids as they grow and mature.

And from the sliver of time that I personally spent with you and yours, I can tell that they'll do just fine. :)

This Made Me Smile This Morning - NefCanuck - 05-06-2009

Sadly the principal's response was not surprising in the least to me as I was in fact the victim of this kind of BS throughout grade school and well into middle school (By then I had perfected the art of finding hiding places to get away from the insanity, before that... not so much :ph34r:)

If I could have defended myself as the young man in this case did, in a measured and controlled response to aggression, maybe I weouldn't have been such a grumpy SOB by the time I hit college.
